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Ketu in 12th House Effects of All Zodiac Signs

Ketu in 12th House Effects of All Zodiac Signs

The twelfth house in the horoscope represents our subconscious and hidden nature. Known as Vyasa Bhava in Vedic astrology, it is the house of loss, liberation, separation, and lack. It is the twelfth house after the house of ambition and growth. This house governs misery, waste, expenditure, divine knowledge, sympathy, moksha (final liberation), and life after death. This house costs you in various ways. Can take insurance policy for marriage or education of children. This house corresponds to Pisces energy, which is characterized by imagination, intuition, and aloofness.

The twelfth house is considered an undiscovered realm that exists without physical forms such as dreams, emotions, and secrets. The twelfth house also governs the secret toil of the headpiece and other unfortunate matters. It is associated with fear, anxiety, misunderstanding, doubt, inferiority complex, and others. Solitude, mystery, silent suffering, and undoing oneself are part of this house.

Ketu in the twelfth house is considered positive and is one of the most spiritual places in the horoscope. With a favorable Ketu in this house, you will have a strong sense of spirituality. Your actions will lead toward your ultimate purpose in life. You have an introverted nature and are naturally inclined towards solitude. Ketu in this house will make you victorious over enemies and opposition as well. However, an afflicted Ketu can endanger the health and also lead to an increase in expenses.


Ketu in 12th House for Aries


With Ketu in the twelfth house for Aries, the native wins over enemies by humility. With Ketu in the twelfth house for Aries ascendant, the native gets the benefits of longevity and inheritance. With Ketu in the twelfth house for Aries, the native leads a happy, prosperous, and comfortable family life.


Ketu in 12th House for Taurus


The person spends more and remains worried about the expense. The native faces problems but ultimately succeeds in controlling the expenditure. The native acts with determination and faces external relations. The native shows enmity towards outsiders.


Ketu in 12th House for Gemini


With Ketu in the twelfth house for Gemini, the native creates new sources of earning money and enjoys a happy, comfortable, and prosperous life. Jatak does not believe in religion. Such a person is courageous, clever, and tough working.


Ketu in 12th House for Cancer


For Cancer, the person with Ketu in the 12th house spends more and remains worried about the expenditure. The native with Ketu in the twelfth house for Cancer Ascendant faces difficulties but ultimately succeeds in controlling the expenditure. For Cancer Ascendant with Ketu in the twelfth house, the native creates new sources of earning money and enjoys a happy, comfortable, and prosperous life.


Ketu in 12th House for Leo


With Ketu in the 12th house for Leo the native faces difficulties but ultimately succeeds in controlling the expenditure. The native with Ketu in the 12th house for Leo works with determination and faces the difficulties created by outsiders patiently. The malefic position of Ketu in the 12th house will cause loss and wasteful expenditure to the person.


Ketu in 12th House for Virgo


The native spends a lot and remains worried about the expenditure. The native faces difficulties but is ultimately successful in controlling the expenditure. The native works with determination and faces problems coming from outsiders patiently. The native creates new sources of wealth and enjoys a happy, comfortable, and prosperous life. The native does not believe in Dharma (religion).┬а


Ketu in 12th House for Libra


For Libra with Ketu in the 12th house, the native tends to spend more and is worried about overspending. The native faces difficulties but is able to control them in the end. The native with Ketu in the 12th house for Libra Ascendant works with determination and patiently faces the problems coming from outsiders.


Ketu in 12th House for Scorpio


The native works with determination and solves external problems with patience and tact. The native creates new sources of earning currency and enjoys a happy, comfortable, and prosperous life. Jatak does not believe in religion. Such a person leads a pleasant life.


Ketu in 12th House for Sagittarius


For Sagittarius with Ketu in the 12th house, the native tends to spend more and is worried about overspending. The native faces issues but succeeds in controlling them in the end. The native with Ketu in the twelfth house for Dhanu Lagna works with determination to get success and gains.


Ketu in 12th House for Capricorn


Ketu in the twelfth house of Taurus, Capricorn, and Aquarius ascendant gives intuitive and healing power. These people may solve mysteries, have criminal psychology, or become tantric experts and spiritual teachers. The native approach problems tactfully and works with a medium to reach the more important inner or core individuals.


Ketu in 12th House for Aquarius


For Aquarius with Ketu in the 12th house, the native faces some difficulties but controls them. The native loves his mother and gets the benefit of earning property. The native with Ketu in the 12th house for Kumbha Lagna influences enemies to act politely. With Ketu in the 12th house for Aquarius natives, new sources of earning money are created.


Ketu in 12th House for Pisces


For Pisces with Ketu in the twelfth house, the native loves his mother and gets wealth. The native behaves politely with the enemies in order to complete the tasks. The native is determined and tries to achieve the goal. The native with Ketu in the 12th house for Pisces ascendant deals with problems with tact and patience. The native receives sufficient money through foreign sources. With Ketu in the 12th house for Pisces Ascendant, the native gets the benefit of long life. For Pisces Ascendant, with Ketu in the twelfth house, the person has a long life.


Here Ketu is exalted. The person will be rich here. You will get a big position and you will get to do good work. The native gets all kinds of luxuries. If Ketu is inauspicious then the person has to remain childless many times. Worship Lord Ganesha. Ketu in the twelfth house gives mixed results to the native. In which the person is fickle but clever, and has a cunning tendency. If Ketu is in inauspicious impact, then the person is going to cheat the public through ghosts or supernatural powers or by showing fear, while he does not have any such direction. Through Astrology Phone Consultation, you can know in detail about the effect of Ketu according to your zodiac sign.

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