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Jupiter Stone: Meaning, Benefits, and Uses of Jupiter Gemstone

Jupiter Stone: Meaning, Benefits, and Uses of Jupiter Gemstone

Astrology has been told about the nine planets. All these planets have their own influence and give different results. When these planets change their position, it also affects human life. Gemstones have been mentioned in astrology for each planet, if the gemstone is worn according to the zodiac sign and planet, then the planets can be made favorable and the problems caused by their adversity can be overcome. It is believed that wearing gems paves the way for happiness, prosperity, and success in life. One of these gems has been described as 'Pukhraj Ratna'. This bright yellow-colored stone represents Jupiter. Pukhraj gives very auspicious results for those whose horoscope is favorable with Jupiter. If Jupiter is not providing auspiciousness in someone's horoscope, then they should also wear this stone. By wearing this, the obstacles of marriage are removed, as well as an increase in wealth and honor is also achieved. Gemstones are considered very influential, so it is very important to have good knowledge before wearing them.

A total of 84 sub-stones and 9 major gems have been told in Ratnashastra, in which Pukhraj is considered the main gem. Pukhraj Gemstone is the stone of the planet Jupiter, whose color is yellow. About the benefits of Pukhraj stone and the method of wearing it to strengthen the economic condition.

Which zodiac sign should wear Jupiter Gemstone Pukhraj?

The people of the Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac can wear Pukhraj.

Jupiter Stone Pukhraj Benefits

  • Pukhraj is the gem of the planet Jupiter, so wearing this gem increases wealth and prosperity. Wearing Pukhraj/Topaz is beneficial for those whose marriage is facing obstacles due to the unfavorable position of Jupiter. Weak digestion is also beneficial by wearing a Pukhraj gem. Apart from this, topaz is also beneficial for those interested in spiritual or religious subjects.

  • According to astrology, the planet Jupiter has an important place in Kundali. If the planet Jupiter is weak in the Kundli, then many problems have to be faced. Despite working hard, money does not stay in the hands of a person and financial problems remain. For this, the Pukhraj stone has been considered beneficial in astrology.

  • Pukhraj is the gem of the planet Jupiter. That's why wearing this makes Jupiter strong. According to astrologers, if the planet Jupiter is strong in Kundali, then it increases wealth. Along with this, the obstacles in marriage also go away. Astrologers also recommend wearing this stone for health benefits.

  • Wearing Pukhraj gives them fame. Fame increases respect. It is beneficial in education and career. Should be worn for good luck and happiness.

  • Wearing fulfills the wishes of happiness, prosperity, the son's wish, marriage, and spiritual prosperity. It also increases spiritual power, peace, and learning in the native. It sharpens the will by increasing brain power. This increases economic prosperity.

  • Jupiter is the giver of life. It is related to fat and glands. Therefore, wearing it is beneficial for throat disease, chest pain, breathing disease, air disorders, tuberculosis, and heart disease. Weak digestion is beneficial. Before wearing Pukhraj for diseases, you must consult a doctor.

  • Pukhraj is considered auspicious for romance. This gem increases the power of attraction. Awakens the desire for love in sad and extinguished hearts. Wearing Pukhraj gives true love and love grows. Topaz gemstone is considered very auspicious for love affairs. It is believed that wearing Pukhraj gemstones removes obstacles in getting in love or getting married. If a marriageable girl wears Pukhraj, then she gets married soon.

Uses of Jupiter Stone Pukhraj┬а

Pukhraj should always be worn in gold metal. Along with this, it is also very important to take care of your weight. A Topaz of five to seven carats should be worn in a gold ring. Thursday and Pushya Nakshatra are auspicious for wearing Pukhraj. To wear Pukhraj, first put the ring in milk and then in Gangajal. After this put the ring in sugar and honey solution. Now after worshiping Brihaspatidev, chant a rosary of the mantra 'Om Brahma Brihaspatiye Namah'(рдКрдВ рдмреНрд░рд╣реНрдо рдмреНрд░реНрд╣рд╕реНрдкрддрд┐рдпреЗ рдирдордГ). After this, wear the ring by touching it with the feet of Jupiter. Pukhraj is worn on the index finger because Jupiter mountain is below this finger.


Gemstones have a special effect on our lives. Gemstones are worn according to the zodiac and planets. This reduces the inauspicious effects of planets and brings happiness and prosperity in life. But astrological advice must be taken before wearing any gemstone. Astrologers recommend wearing any gemstone on the basis of a person's birth chart, date of birth, zodiac sign, and planetary constellations. If you want to know more about Jupiter's stone, then talk to astrologers.

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