Jupiter Number in Numerology - Effects and Remedies
The ruling planet of number three is Jupiter, who is the master of all the planets. People with Number 3 are very self-respecting. Such people do not like to bow down before anyone. They do not like to compromise their independence. Such persons are courageous, brave, powerful, steadfast, struggling, and laborious and do not give up in the face of hardships.
Effect of Jupiter on Number 3
According to numerology, the number of people born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of a month is 3. Their ruling planet is considered to be Jupiter. For those people who were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month, their Number will be 3. The ruling planet of Mulakam 3 is Jupiter, who is the master of all the planets. People of this Number are very courageous, powerful, and hardworking and do not give up in the face of difficulties. The creative potential of these people is amazing. These people are very ambitious and once they decide to do something, they leave it after doing it.
Jupiter Number in Astrology
Those who are born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th, their Number is 3. Devguru Brihaspati represents their life. By becoming the factor of wealth, education, income, and children, Jupiter keeps the rights to their life. By the grace of Jupiter, there are a lot of divine qualities inside them. They are very ambitious. The desire to reach the pinnacle of progress is cherished. Leadership qualities are present. They are theorists. Rich in courage, strength, perseverance, and purity, are in favor of tolerance. They are more successful in caste, society, country, army, and politics.
Personalities of Number 3
Number 3 people do not like to bow down to anyone. These people do not want to take favor from anyone. They do not like anyone's unnecessary interference in their life. They do not like to compromise their freedom. People with the number 3 are good thinkers, and visionaries, and are able to sense possible events. People of this Number get a high level of education and they take a lot of interest in reading and writing. These people are also fond of horse riding and shooting. Their economic condition improves with age.
3: People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th are mockers of others, foolish, art lovers, sacrificial, mysterious, self-confident, give importance to their own reputation, frank, and debaters. The auspicious numbers for those with Number 3 are 3, 6, and 9. While the auspicious days are Thursday, Friday, and Tuesday. Talking about colors, purple, blue, red, and pink colors are favorable for number 3.
People who were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of the month have a Number of 3. The master of this Radix is Jupiter, the master of all the planets. Once the people of Number 3 decide to do any work, then they are able to complete it. Such people learn and understand everything quickly. People like this talent very much. However, if someone interferes in their life, then the natives of Radix 3 do not like it at all.
If we talk about marriage or love relations, the love relations of people with Radix 3 do not remain permanent, but in general married life remains happy. Some people of this Number sometimes have the sum of more than one marriage, out of which the first marriage always gives trouble. These people are of luxurious nature but they care about their honor and respect. Inner interest in religious works is more than necessary.
Remedies Of Number 3
Must worship God. Yellow color or colors similar to yellow will be auspicious for you, use them exclusively.
By worshiping Lord Shankar, you will get rid of all the difficulties in your life. Wear a yellow topaz with a weapon, it will give you good benefits.
Wear yellow clothes on Thursday. Plant green plants in the east direction of the house. Always keep a wooden pen with you. Place a round wooden clock in the east direction.
Wear a gold or brass bracelet in your hand. Maintain good relations with your teachers and parents. Apply saffron tilak on your forehead.
According to numerology, the marital and family life of the people of Radix 3 remains happy and prosperous. They have a good relationship with friends. However, the love life of people with Number 3 is not very successful. If you want to know more about Number 3 ruled by Jupiter then talk to astrology.