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Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Jupiter

Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Jupiter

The Mahadasha of Jupiter itself gives many types of results. As per the position of Jupiter in the Kundali, the effect comes according to it, yet Dasha has its own characteristics, which are common in every type of horoscope and in every type of zodiac. We are considering here the Dasha of Jupiter, according to the horoscope, there will always be some change in effect for every person, whether this change will be favorable or unfavorable, it will be a factor, it will be fruitful or the Dasha will be fruitless, all these things can be known only from the analysis of the complete horoscope. Even if the effect of Dasha comes completely, it is necessary to know the yoga and the position of the planet for the effect of the horoscope. Whatever I am telling here, it should be considered as the base nature of Dasha.


What is Jupiter Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the Antardasha of Jupiter is of two years, one month, and eighteen days. If Jupiter is in exalted sign, self, or friend sign and is aspected by benefic planets, then it gives auspicious results to the native at the time of their Mahadasha and his own Antardasha. Interest in religion increases in the native. He is engaged in religious activities. The person gets happiness and respect. The person gets success. If Jupiter is conjunct or aspected by debilitated signs, enemy signs, set and malefic planets, then the person acts without any reason and conscience. The person lacks money and has to be humiliated. The married life of the native becomes bitter and he gets physical pain.


Jupiter Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha


The Antardasha of Mercury in Jupiter Mahadasha is of two years, three months, and six days. If Mercury is sinless, strong and in an auspicious place, then in the Mahadasha of Jupiter and in the Antardasha of Mercury, the person gets rid of the troubles found in the Antardasha of Saturn and makes the person happy. There is success and progress in the work and business of the person. If Mercury is in a debilitated or enemy sign or inauspicious effect, then the person's interest in addictions like speculation, race, gambling, etc. increases, and these actions cause loss. The native is deceived by fear and disease.


Jupiter Mahadasha Venus Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the Antardasha of Venus lasts for two years and eight months. If Venus is aspected by auspicious planets, then in its Antardasha, the person gets a high vehicle. The person attains state-like glory and authority. The native's interest in art-related fields increases. All the luxuries are available. The sexual desire of the person becomes strong. In the Antardasha of inauspicious Venus, the native has a quarrel with his wife. There is a rift with the in-laws. The native is humiliated and gets inauspicious results.


Jupiter Mahadasha Sun Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the Antardasha of Sun is of nine months and eighteen days. If Sun is in exalted sign, self, or friend and is aspected or aspected by auspicious planets, then in its Antardasha, the person gets state recognition and glory. The person gets position, prestige, and prestige. The work of the native is complete and he gets benefits from higher officials. The native also benefits from going abroad. In the Antardasha of inauspicious Sun, the person's mind remains turbulent and he suffers from an inferiority complex. The native gets failure in their work.


Jupiter Mahadasha Moon Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the Antardasha of Moon lasts for one year and four months. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign, combined and aspected by benefic planets and Jupiter is also under the influence of benefic planets and is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then the person is of religious tendency if the moon is in the Mahadasha of Jupiter. The faith of a person in religion increases. The person takes interest in works of art. The person gets respect and happiness. If Jupiter is inauspicious and Moon is in debilitated or enemy sign and aspected by malefic planets, then the person remains diseased and afflicted during Mahadasha of Jupiter and Antardasha of Moon. The person becomes lazy and has an inclination towards immoral relationships. The person is worried.┬а


Jupiter Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha


The Antardasha of Ketu in the Mahadasha of Jupiter is of eleven months and six days. If there is Antardasha of benefic Ketu in Jupiter Mahadasha, then the person gets happiness and wealth from other people. The tendency of the person becomes low karma. The mind of the native is unstable and he becomes disorganized and irregular. If Ketu is under inauspicious effect, then in its Antardasha, the native becomes a patriot, a person who deceives the best friend and destroyer of wealth by his own actions. The native gets confused by his path.


Jupiter Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the Antardasha of Rahu lasts for two years, four months, and twenty-four days. If Rahu is in exalted, friendly sign, combined and aspected by auspicious planets and Jupiter is also under the influence of benefic planets and is situated in exalted, friend, or self-sign, then the person gets rights especially if Rahu is in the Mahadasha of Jupiter. The political-related person is busy making the outline of his work. And he is happy. If Jupiter is under the inauspicious influence and Rahu is in debilitated or enemy sign and is conjunct or aspected by papa planets, then in Jupiter Mahadasha and Antardasha of Rahu, the person is going to behave contrary to dharma and get corrupted in the company of wicked. The person is afflicted and troubled by the fear of being a ghostly obstacle. The native has a quarrel in partnership. The person suffers from rheumatism.


Jupiter Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the Antardasha of Saturn lasts for two years, six months, and twelve days. And there is joy in the defeat of enemies. The person may be from any side, but he gets vehicle happiness. The person gets to benefit from the people of the west direction and the person travels to the western countries, there is an increase in the wealth and food grains. Due to the lack of desire for the sexual pleasure of the person, there is a dispute with the wife. If Shani is debilitated, and retrograde and the father is dominant, then the person is involved in adulterous, prostitute, and low and nefarious activities. The person commits lowly acts in the company of the wicked.


Jupiter Mahadasha Mars Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the Antardasha of Mars lasts for eleven months and six days. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign, is combined and aspected by auspicious planets and Jupiter is also under the influence of benefic planets and is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then there is Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Jupiter, then the person will have a lot of courage. increases in. The native earns success by his efficiency. The native has an inclination towards knowledge acquisition and study. The native is fond of eating. If Jupiter is inauspicious and Mars is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then the native has to stay in a rented house during the Mahadasha of Jupiter and Antardasha of Mars. The person lives life by becoming a servant. The person has opposition from the fraternal class, worries from the enemy, and loss in agricultural work. The native suffers from blood-related disorders.┬аIf you have any questions related to Jupiter Mahadasha then┬аtalk to astrologers.

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