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Jupiter Line Palmistry: Jupiter Line in Hand

Jupiter Line Palmistry: Jupiter Line in Hand

According to palmistry, the nature and future of any person can be known by looking at the lines and marks on the hand. Let us tell you that there are many mountains and lines in the hand. Out of which Guru Parvat and Line have a special role. From this, a lot can be learned about a person's education and his interest in God and life.


Jupiter Line on Palm


The Mount and Line of Jupiter are located at the base of the index finger. Mount of Jupiter being dominant in the palm, tends to organize and dominate others. When the headline is long, the above qualities are definitely applicable. If the Mount of Jupiter is not properly formed, weak, and big in the palm, then it gives respect.

Apart from this, if a vertical line is seen on Mount Jupiter, then it brings success and a very favorable situation. If two lines are visible on Mount of Jupiter and Line, then excessive ambition confuses the aim and hence the aim remains unsuccessful.

If a clearly visible cross joins a branch of the heart line, luck in money and love is unfavorable. If this happens, the relationship of love can break in a bad way. A line in a crescent curve gives excellent teachings, especially in occultism.

The Mount of Saturn is at the beginning of the middle finger. This place affects isolation from society, discretion, indulgence as well as interest in studies, and luck. If this Mount of Saturn is inclined towards the Mount of Jupiter and Line, then the person lacks hard work and is fatalistic. Such people are careless towards life.

If a vertical line on the Mount of Saturn does not touch the heart line, it is a sign of great fortune. Two parallel vertical lines indicate hard work with success late in life. Many vertical lines give bad luck.

In occult science, a clear sign of the cross on the Mount of Saturn indicates excessive susceptibility to accidents. If there is a star mark on it, then there is a possibility of paralysis or incurable disease.

The grace of Guru Brihaspati can be detected by the elevation of Brihaspati mountain. The position of the triangle, cross, point, circle, island, trap, and star made on the Mount of Jupiter and the line greatly affects a person's life.

If a person's Guru is square on a mountain and line, then such a person is successful in getting a high position. Such a person gets a high position on the strength of his intelligence and ability. Even if such a person is born into a very poor and ordinary family. With this influence of Guru, such persons can become skilled and successful administrators.

If there is a triangle on the mount and line of Jupiter, then the qualities of diplomacy come in the person. Such a person becomes very ambitious for his progress and progress. Due to its effect, the ambition of a person goes beyond the limits. This makes a person proud. This creates the fault of the triangle. In astrology, the square on Mount Jupiter is considered very auspicious.

If a small circle is made on a Jupiter mountain and line, that is, a circle, then he is successful in achieving a high position through his efforts. Such people get a lot of help from their spouse's family. The star sign on Mount Jupiter makes a person very ambitious. He achieves a high position and is also full of a sense of family and social concern.

If there are vertical lines on the Mount of Jupiter, then it gives auspicious results. Due to these lines, a person can also become a good manager. If a mark of horizontal lines or a network of lines is visible on Mount Jupiter, then it is inauspicious. Due to this, the auspicious results of Guru Parvat also decrease.

If a person's palm is thick, and full and appears pink in color then the person may be energetic. If there is a mark of a star on Mount Jupiter or a triangle made of lines or a trident, then the person can become a good boss. If there is a net or spot on the Mount of Jupiter, then it is a sign of the weak leadership ability of the person.

Those people who have Guru Parvat embossed in their palms and there are vertical lines on it, then they are engaged in the works of religion. If the Mount of Jupiter is seen as prominent, then such people have deep faith in religion. Too prominent Mount of Jupiter is not auspicious. Due to its effect, a person also becomes egoistic and does not give much importance to others.


According to palmistry, if the index finger is longer than the ring finger in a person's palm. At the same time, if the mount and line of Jupiter are fully developed and there is a cross mark on it, then such a person is a priest or a great religious person. These people are also social. Along with this, these people get a lot of fame in the country and abroad. Their nature is also pleasant. Also, these people give a lot of importance to relationships. If you want to know more about Jupiter Line then talk to astrologers.

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