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Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If Jupiter is aspected by the Sun, then the person is an attractive, influential orator, helpful, and serving people in society. If the Moon is aspected by Jupiter, then the person is considered a high-ranking leader in society. If Jupiter is aspected by Mars, then the person is reliable and ready to do any work to earn money. If Jupiter is aspected by Mercury, then the person will attract women towards him, will follow the path of religion, and will be of calm nature. If Jupiter is aspected by Venus, then the person who enjoys all the virtues in his life will be equal to a leader or a minister. If Jupiter is aspected by Saturn, then the person is able to do everything in his life.

Due to the presence of Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra, the person becomes addicted, to religious conduct, is of no use to others, and misuses communication power. The native is famous, respected, has the power of reciting poetry, is generally of moderate health, young in thought, but the signs of old age are reflected on the body. The person is handsome, talks in poetic form get influenced by the qualities of others, is rich, and is religious.

Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person is very fond of having sex with other women, living against religion, being merciless, not helping the helpless, and taking people on the wrong path.

Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is popular in society, gathers people with his words, and is good in terms of health, the thoughts of the person are like a youth, but according to the body, the person looks old.

Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person is handsome, full of charm, can read the mind of others, and goes with others only when he understands them well. The person is full of wealth and contributes to the works of religion.

Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person is attractive, obeys his elders, makes progress in life, gives a good speech, and helps physically and financially in religious places. The wife of the native is respectable, of good character, and virtuous.


If there is a Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra, then the person becomes attractive by listening to everyone and making progress, a famous announcer, one who gives interesting speeches, one who invests money in religion. His wife is virtuous, generous, and virtuous. Elsewhere, the person's behavior will be shameful but generous, agitated, and inconsistent in nature. Life becomes stable after 36 years. To know about the changes due to the effect of Jupiter in Shravana Nakshatra, take an Astrology phone consultation.

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