Job Yog in Kundali - Astrological Guide
Many things like staying in a job or getting promoted or change of places can be explained by the various yogas formed in the horoscope. The second and eleventh house of the Kundli is approved for promotion in the job. Along with this, the tenth house will also be analyzed to know about the progress. If you want to think about a change in job, then the third and ninth house is analyzed. The eighth and twelfth houses will be analyzed to know about going abroad and getting a job. Retirement is seen from the twelfth house or whether the person will remain in the job or not.
Job Yoga in Kundali
When the Ascendant is strong, the person is successful to a great extent in fulfilling his desires. When the lord of the tenth house is strong, the person gets his job. The idea of тАЛтАЛstaying in the job or leaving the job can be seen when there is a variable ascendant and variable Navamsha, in such a situation the job can be lost. Apart from this, the job can be lost even if the ascendant is set. If Lagnesh or Dashmesh is related to the planets below, then the job can be lost.
If the moon is strong then the person gets mental satisfaction from the job. If the second house and second house, eleventh house and eleventh house are strong, then the person can get the job of his choice. If there are auspicious planets in the fourth house, then he will get satisfaction in the job and he will not want to change his place. If inauspicious planets are situated in the fourth house, then the person will not get satisfaction from his job and he would like to change his place. We also calculate income from the fourth house, so if auspicious planets are located in it, then the person can also get good benefits.
It is also necessary to understand some other yogas related to the job. About the general rules of the job. To study it in detail, it is also necessary to study the tenth horoscope. For considering the job, if the tenth house is in the ascendant or the ascendant is in the tenth, then the job will be done soon. If Dashmesh and Ascendant are situated together then success will happen soon. If Dashmesh and Ascendant are auspicious then the work will be accomplished soon.
A job is left when a planet is retrograde, then if that planet is in its path, it can get a job again. Similarly, if a planet has left a job at the time of the change of zodiac, then there are many possibilities of getting a job when that planet changes its next zodiac sign. If the variable ascendant is auspicious, then you will be satisfied with the present job. If the variable ascendant is aspected by inauspicious planets, then there is dissatisfaction in the job or the possibility of change can be seen. If the fixed Ascendant is aspected by the malefic planets, then there is no change in the job. If a stable ascendant is auspicious, then the person feels good in the present job.
If you want a job promotion or not, then by showing your Kundli with astrology, you can know about the yoga of the job. Talk to astrologers to get the Kundli analyzed.