Jail Yog in Kundli - Bandhan Yoga in Astrology
In Vedic astrology, Bandhan Yog, the possibility of going to jail or being imprisoned is mainly caused due to the bad position of Rahu-Mars-Saturn. If the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the sixth house are in the Kendra house which includes the first house, fourth house, seventh house, and tenth house, or the Trikon house which includes the first house, fifth house, and ninth house with Saturn and there is a connection with Rahu or Ketu, then Bandhan Yog is formed due to these Yogs. Its effect is very influential in a person's horoscope.
Bandhan Yoga in Astrology
According to astrology, imprisonment, and punishment are considered from the eighth to the twelfth house of the horoscope. If Rahu is with the eighth lord in this house of the horoscope, then due to its inauspicious effect, the person has to go to jail due to some big crime. Saturn, Mars, and Rahu are the main factors of jail and their mutual relation. If Mars and Rahu sit together in any house in a person's horoscope and make a conjunction, then Jail Yog is formed. Ketu is the factor planet of rope, shackles, and handcuffs, if there is a visual relation between inauspicious Mars and Rahu, then due to Angarak Yog, such a person becomes violent by nature and commits a crime, due to which one has to go to jail.┬а
Saturn, Mars, and Rahu mainly also make the Yog of going to jail, and their conjunction or vision among themselves create such situations that ultimately the person has to go to jail. If the Sun and other planets are situated in equal numbers in the Lagna and the 12th, 3rd, 11th, 4th, 10th, 6th, and 8th houses in the birth chart, then this creates Bandhan Yog. If this situation is being created due to the transit of planets in the birth chart, then even at that time, Bandhan Yog can happen for a short time. But if Saturn is situated in the 2nd house and Mars in the 12th house in the birth chart, then this Yog will be formed. But if the sinful planets forming the Jail Yog are being seen by other sinful planets or the Dwadash, then the jail visit can be painful and for a long time.┬а
Imprisonment Indication in Kundali
If this situation is being created due to the transit of planets in the Kundali, then even at that time, Bandhan Yog can happen for a short time. But if there is a conjunction of any sinful or auspicious planet with Saturn in the 2nd house and Mars in the 12th house, then this Yog gets dissolved. If there is an inauspicious Yog of the Dwadash, 6th lord and 8th lord of all the Lagnas, or if Mars and Saturn are seeing each other in the birth chart, then the person can go to jail due to fights.
If the Mahadasha, Antardasha, and Pratyantar Dasha are also of inauspicious planets, then the situation of going to jail is created. Besides the sinful planets like the Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, weak Moon, and inauspicious Mercury also tell whether there are chances of going to jail in your horoscope or not. If there are sinful planets in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth house of someone's horoscope, then such people have to go to jail, either small or big, at some time in their lives. In other words, it can be said that the sixth, eighth, and twelfth houses of the horoscope create chances of going to jail.
Types of Bandhan Yoga
Ari Bandhan Yoga
This is caused by Saturn and is the result of the karma done from the previous lives. The natives may be cursed during their previous lives and this may bring immense misery, suffering, and depression. In the present life, they are dominated by enemies and may also suffer from some disease or physical defect. Specifically, imprisonment is caused due to the association of bad yogas formed by the planet. Under its influence, people who are involved in drug trafficking, mafia, robbery, alcoholism, and adultery are caught and put in jail.
Vir Bandhan Yoga
This is caused by Mars. It is the result of fighting in wars, getting captured by enemies, etc. People who get involved in civil wars, street fights, terrorism, Naxalism, and mob fights against police are arrested and put in jail. Also, people facing arrest for crimes like murder, rape, non-payment of loans or taxes, masked crimes, cyber crimes, fraud, real estate issues, etc. are caused by Mars. They try to show a brave face while going against the law but are eventually caught. Due to these reasons, the effect of Mars gives Bandhan.
Naga Bandhan Yoga
This is caused by Rahu and results in one getting involved in public or online disturbances, cybercrimes, insulting, promoting religious hatred or casteism, mafia, drugs, bombing cities, illegal mining, keeping large amounts of unaccounted cash, etc. Starts committing crimes at an early age and grows to a powerful position by opposing the law but ends up either in prison or hiding underground and can never have a public life in the future. This can also be the result of black magic, witchcraft done on others during the person's previous lives and in this life it dominates them.
Ahi Bandhan Yoga
This is caused by Ketu and results in unimaginable strange crimes. The person is a victim of his own greed and misdeeds. Ketu is headless, indicating the native gets involved in mindless activities to get caught. The reasons for imprisonment may be silly but the crime is serious.
In this yoga, if the auspicious planets are Aspecting the planets forming the Bandhan Yoga, then the results of this yoga are obtained in very little amount. There is not much trouble in going to jail, but if the sinful planets forming this yoga are not aspected by other sinful planets or the auspicious planets on the Bandhan Yoga forming planets in the Dwadash Jail Yoga, then there is not much trouble in going to jail. There is the conjunction or influence of any auspicious planet with Saturn in the second house and Mars in the twelfth house, then this yoga gets dissolved, if the Sun is weak, Saturn is retrograde, or the tenth lord is retrograde or weak. If you also want to know more about jail yoga, then you can talk to astrologers.