Inter Caste Marriage Yoga in the Kundali
There are many such love stories that do not reach their destination, that is, their relationship ends before marriage. Looking at the Kundali, it can also be assessed whether the marriage of the person will be outside his caste or his religion or not. Or you can also look at this thing like that which are the people who are in a love relationship or whose marriage is seen in inter-caste or in other religions.
Whatever the excuse may be, some such situation is created that instead of love marriage, lovers get tied in the thread of married life through traditional marriage. But there are some people whose love is successful in achieving its destination. It has been told in astrology that there are some such yogas which, if present in the Kundali, succeeds in making a person's love marriage inter-caste. Here we talk about some such yogas which are necessary for love marriage and inter-caste marriage.
Inter-Caste Love marriage Yoga in Kundali┬а
In marriage astrology, in the case of love marriage, mainly Venus, Mars, Moon, and Rahu Ketu are assessed. Venus is the factor of sexual relations in the man's Kundali and Jupiter is the factor of sexual matters in the woman's Kundali. At first sight, the Moon is considered to be the planet causing attraction. Whereas Mars is the planet to take risks and break the Rahu Ketu tradition and move forward. Therefore, these planets have great importance in inter-caste love marriages.
When Mars is in the seventh house in the Kundali, it creates Manglik Yoga, which works to increase the distance in married life, but when this Mars is with the lord planet of the seventh house or is having a visual relationship with him, then the person has an inter-caste love marriage. . For example, if Libra or Taurus is in the seventh house, then its lord Venus is in the fourth, seventh or eighth house from Mars.
If Venus is with Saturn or Rahu in the Kundali or is in the seventh house from Venus or Saturn is aspect Rahu Venus from any other place, then the sum of inter-caste love marriage is formed.
If Venus is with the lord of the ascendant or seventh house or is having a visual relationship with him, then the person has a love marriage. Like in this picture, Moon is with Venus in its house in the Ascendant and Saturn is sitting in its own zodiac in the seventh house making the sum of inter-caste love marriage.
If the lord of the fifth house is in the seventh house and the lord of the seventh house is in the fifth house, then a person's love marriage takes place. If the lords of both houses are looking at each other, even then the sum of love marriage is formed. See in this Kundali Saturn is in the seventh house being the lord of the fifth house and Mars is the lord of the seventh house, sitting in the fifth house is making the sum of inter-caste love marriage.
If Mars is with or aspected by the lord of the fifth house of the Kundali, then the sum of inter-caste love marriage is formed. In this Kundali, Mars is sitting in the fifth house, and Saturn, the lord of the fifth house is looking at him.
If Venus is with Mars or Rahu in the Kundali, then a person can have inter-caste love marriages, but there is more sexual attraction than devotion in love.
If Venus and Moon are forming in the fifth house of the birth chart, if the lord of the fifth house is also with them or is seeing them, then inter-caste love marriage takes place.
If you are facing problems in inter-caste love marriage then you can talk to astrology. Astrology can give you the right guidance for the problem of astrological love life according to Kundali.