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How To Stop Fighting In A Relationship

How To Stop Fighting In A Relationship

Sometimes there comes a time in our life when there are frequent fights and quarrels in our house whether it is with our partner, from which we get very upset because no one wants that.

Poverty resides in the house where there is fighting, quarrels, or tribulation, as well as it keeps you physically and mentally disturbed because fighting and quarreling is not beneficial for anyone.

It brings a lot of problems for us, from which we want to run away, if there are too many fights in your house and you want to stop them, then today we will tell you some such measures, with the help of which you can stop them.

When we make small mistakes, it starts because of them, but when we keep our distance from them and do not make some mistakes, then we will never need to fight, so today we will tell you, What measures can you take to prevent them.

Astrological Reasons For Quarrels In The House

When quarrels happen, there are many reasons because of which it starts, there are many reasons in which our mistakes happen because of which it starts, so today we will tell you about those reasons.

Bad Electrical Equipment In The House

If bad electrical items are lying in your house, then because of this also there are fights in your house, because they increase negative energy in your house due to which you are not able to decide right from wrong.

That's why you should not keep bad bulbs, wires, and boards in your house because they spoil the environment of your house and it become the cause of home distress.

Putting Gods And Goddesses Face To Face

You must have seen in many houses, that people put the pictures of Gods and Goddesses face to face, even by doing this, fights increase in the house, because you should never put these people face to face, because it will create problems in the Gods and Goddesses. There is always competition.

You should always install the idols of Gods and Goddesses in the temple only, and you should not keep the articles of worship scattered in the temple, nor should the fragmented idols of Gods and Goddesses be kept in the temple, this also increases the fighting in the house.

Scattered Shoe Slipper

If you keep your shoes and slippers scattered like this, then there are always fights in your house because it always helps in increasing the negative energy, you should always keep them in the right way.

And you should never keep shoes and slippers in such a place that people have difficulty in coming and going, you should always put them in a corner if you do not keep them in an orderly manner, then There is also trouble in your house.

Messy House

You must have seen many such houses, in which there is a lot of filth inside, Those people do not keep their houses in a good way, the stuff in their houses remains scattered like this, and their houses are covered with cobwebs. It happens.

And their house is full of iron and junk, there are always conflicts and fights in the house of such people, because Gods and Goddesses never reside in their house, nor does positive energy come in their house, due to which There are always fights in their house.

Some Precautions To End Fighting In The House

If you want that there should be no fighting in your house, then for this you should take some precautions, due to which there will be peace in your house and the fighting will be far away from your home.

  • You should never consume meat and alcohol in your home.

  • You should never disrespect the elders in your house.

  • You should not sweep while the sun is setting, nor should you sweep at night.

  • You should never comb your hair at night, because this also leads to quarrels in your house.

  • For this, you should never do utensils with your feet, nor should you leave a lie in them.

  • You should never keep dirt in your house, because this also causes trouble in your house.

Ways To Stop Fighting

Everyone wants to there should always be peace and happiness in his house, but due to some mistakes, fights start happening in your house, then today we will tell you that if you want to stop them.

Light A Five Lamp On Tuesday

If there is a lot of trouble in your house, then for this you should light a Panchmukhi lamp in front of Hanumanji on Tuesday, You can also use jasmine oil to burn it, and along with this, you will also get the fragrance of Ashtagandha in your house. It should be spread.

By doing this, all the negative energy in your house goes out, and there is always peace and happiness in your house because Hanumanji never allows negative energy to enter your house, so you always live your life comfortably.

Using Saffron

If you want there should be no fighting in your house, then you should put a pinch of saffron in the bath water, with this you should apply saffron tilak on your forehead.

Due to this, quarrels stay away from you and there is peace in your home. There are no quarrels.

Burn Camphor In The House

For this you should burn camphor, if you want that there should always be peace in your house and there should be no fighting, then for this you should dip camphor in cow's desi ghee and keep it in a brass utensil in the temple before going to bed at night. Should be burnt, you can do it any day if you want.

Or you can do this on Friday as well, by doing this there will always be peace in your house and negative energy will come out, due to which fighting fights will reduce in your house, if you keep doing this then it will cause problems in your house anytime. There are no quarrels and there is always peace.

Mop Salt In The House

If there are too many fights in your house, then for this you should wipe the salt in the house, you should use sea salt for that because it removes all the negative energy from your house.

Because there are some elements present in it that also work to kill the bacteria in the house, you should not do this work on Thursday and Friday, if you keep doing this then there is peace in your house.

Worship Ganapati

If you want peace to prevail in your home, then for this you should establish Ganapati on Wednesday and worship him and offer laddoos, for this, you should use desi ghee.

If you keep doing this regularly then there will be no fights in your house and there will always be the grace of Ganesha at your house, due to which negative energy will be removed from your house, and there will be peace in your house.

Offer Coconut On Shivling

If there are always fights in your house, then for this you should go to Lord Shiva's temple on Monday, and offer raw coconut there, along with it you should take a pot of raw milk.

And half of the milk should be offered to Shivling and half should be brought back home, and then kheer should be made from it and fed to the whole family, by doing this the grace of Lord Shiva remains on you, and fights and quarrels are reduced in your house.

If you do this regularly every Monday, then you get a lot of relief from it, and this keeps the blessings of Bholenath on you so that there is always peace in your home.

Keep The House Clean

For this, you should clean your house properly, because if there is dirt in your house, then negative energy resides in your house, due to which there are frequent fights and quarrels in your house.

That's why you should clean your house properly, you should clean your main door, with this you should clean your bathroom properly, and the corners of the house should also be cleaned properly.

Because when there is a spider's web in the corners of your house, it also becomes a reason for fighting, if you clean your house properly, then it does not cause fighting in your house.


What measures can you adopt, there are many ways by which you can keep away negative things like fighting in your relationship. You can know about more measures by talk to astrology to remove the quarrels with your partner in the relationship.

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