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How to Get Rid of Bad Luck

How to Get Rid of Bad Luck

It is said that when bad luck catches hold of us, it does not go away quickly and no matter what we do, we cannot leave it because it is a very bad curse. Work, his every work remains incomplete, he may want to get success in any field, but he does not get success.

And for this reason, people take measures to get rid of it. Many people meet Tantrik, Guru and then they also get worship done, but still their bad luck does not go away. Many people are such that People are unlucky from the beginning and are considered unlucky.

But if you are also troubled by bad luck and want to remove it, then you should take some measures because in today's time, nothing is impossible, We can remove anything, and in today's time there is a solution for everything. Today we will tell you that if you want to remove your bad luck.

So what measures can be taken so that it will leave you soon and then you will be able to succeed in every work, because bad luck also comes due to our planetary constellation or we do some such work due to which it keeps coming behind us. That's why we should leave all of them and take some measures, which will make it go away.

Some Precautions To Remove Bad Luck

  • You should never keep your house dirty.

  • Never insult an old person.

  • For this, you should not ill-treat your wife and your daughter.

  • If you want to remove it, then you should not torture animals for this.

  • You should never get up after sunrise as bad luck follows you.

  • Falsehood should not be left in the food utensils and it should not be done with the feet either.

  • Torn notes should never be kept in your purse, nor should a torn purse be kept.

Astrological Remedies For Bad Luck

If you are also troubled by your bad luck and want to get rid of it, then you should take some measures, It will remove your bad luck from you and everything will be fine with you, then today we will tell you how to get rid of it.┬а

1. Black Turmeric Remedy

If you want to remove your bad luck, then for this you should go to a place at 6:00 in the evening, where there is a lot of dirt or where there is garbage, after going there, you should take a handkerchief.

That handkerchief should be used by you after that three lumps of black turmeric should be kept in it and then after tying the knot in it, it should be removed from your head three times and after that, it should be rotated 21 times like a clock and then throw it in the same garbage. Should and should come from there without looking back.

After coming home, you must take a bath, because it is mandatory, After taking a bath, you should worship your favorite deities. Your work starts getting done and your bad luck starts going away from you.

2. Jaggery And Milk Remedy

If you are also troubled by your bad luck and want to get rid of it, then for this you should mix 5 kg of milk in 1 kg of jaggery and pour it into a river in the evening while doing this you should say your wish and pray that Your bad luck goes away, by doing this the bad luck flows away with it.

3. Rudraksha Beads

It is well known to all that Rudraksha beads are associated with Lord Shiva and it is considered to be the form of Lord Shiva. If you want to remove your bad luck, then for this you should wear Rudraksha beads.

You can also take Rudraksha beads from any pundit. If you wear this, you will see that bad luck goes away from you and success comes in your life.

4. Recite Hanuman Chalisa

If you want to remove your bad luck, then for this you should read Hanuman Chalisa, because it removes all the evil forces and negative energy, for this you should go to any Hanumanji temple on Tuesday 21 or 51 and read Hanuman Chalisa there.

If you are unable to do this then you should read Hanuman Chalisa sitting at your home, if you do this you will see that many changes come in your life and your bad luck will go away from your life.

5. Offer Water To The Sun God

If you want to wake up your luck and drive away your bad luck, then for this you should wake up every morning and take a bath and offer water to the sun.

And with this one should pray to him to remove your bad luck, if you do this regularly then you will see that your bad luck will go away in a few days.

6. View Palms

If you also want to remove your bad luck then you should wake up in the morning and look directly at your palms and pray to God that you have a good day and remove your bad luck, if you do this regularly then you will get There is definitely benefit.

7. Light A Lamp Near Tulsi

If you are troubled by your bad luck, then for this you should take a bath in the morning and light a lamp near Tulsi, because Tulsi is very sacred, which removes all your problems. If you do this daily, bad luck will go away from you.


Luck and bad luck are very important in the life of a human being. Some people are not able to achieve success even after working hard in their lifetime. Whereas, some people are born with their destiny. Such people achieve success in any work. Luck and bad luck all depend on our routine and our deeds. With these measures, good luck will always be with you, and whatever work you try to do, the chances of getting success in it will increase a lot. If you want to know more about the ways to get good luck, then talk to astrology.

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