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How To Control Anger - Astrological Remedies

How To Control Anger - Astrological Remedies

Getting angry is the nature of every human being. Due to today's running time, runaway life, and increasing share, it has become justified for humans to be dirty and angry, but there are some people who get extremely angry. Such people get angry about everything or they get angry at any person. If it happens to you too. If you also get angry about everything, then the reason for this can also be a planetary fault. Anger is not only about behavior and mind. Rather, a person gets very angry due to Rahu and Mangal Dosh. However, for this too, some remedies have been given in astrology, through which you can get control over nervousness by reducing the bad effects of the plans.

Do you also get angry about everything or do you unnecessarily get angry at some person? And you see after some time that it would have been better if you did not get angry or the thing on which you used to shout and shout, that thing could have been resolved peacefully. Some such measures have been mentioned in astrology, and if adopted, your anger can be affected. So let's know about the measures to control anger.


Why Do We Get Angry


According to astrology, the main causes of anger are the planets Mars, Saturn, Sun, Rahu, and Moon. If Sun and Moon, Mars form any relation with each other in a person's horoscope, then the person gets angry more than expected. Anger is the symbol of the fire element. When this fire element mixes with other zodiac signs or planets, then the person gets extremely angry. It has been said in astrology that people whose Mars is not good, have excess anger and passion.

From the point of view of astrology, the first reason is your Ascendant where you were born, the second is your speech from where anger will manifest and the third is the brain i.e. the fifth house which controls everything. It is said about some angry people that their mind is very hot. Anger is a form of energy and fire. When the fiery planets i.e. Mars and Sun increase the energy inside a person i.e. increase the fire element, then its side effect is anger. When the Moon, which controls the mind, or the mood, in some way makes a relationship in the horoscope or in space by coming close to Mars or the Sun, i.e. any planet with a fire element, then the mood becomes hot. When the Moon is connected with Mars or Sun in the horoscope, anger starts coming.

Moon is the factor of everyone's mind, but if Moon becomes the master of his mind in someone's horoscope, then this situation can be created for Pisces ascendant and Pisces people. On the other hand, if Moon is related to speech and connects with Mars or Sun, then the mildness and coolness of speech end, and the person become grumpy.

If Rahu also sits somewhere along with this Moon and Mars, then anger comes as if a bomb has exploded. Rahu provokes anything, it is a catalyst and the most important thing is that it is very provocative, it provokes a man without any reason and makes it a mess. In fact, Rahu creates explosions, the sudden manifestation of anything in a destructive way is one of the reasons for Rahu's causative element. That's why if Rahu's company is with Moon or Mars, then anger starts coming more. If any energy-giving planet comes with Rahu, then the fire will become uncontrolled and anger is also a form of fire.


Ways to Control Anger


  • According to astrology, use the fragrance of sandalwood around as much as possible. Be it talc, perfume, incense sticks, or incense sticks. Try to use sandalwood only. It is believed that its use also gives relief from Rahu Dosha. At the same time, anger also calms down. Apart from this, offer Arghya to the moon at night, and do not forget to take the blessings of elders every day. It is said that if this is done regularly, the anger starts reducing automatically.

  • It is believed that people who get extremely angry should, first of all, bow down to Mother Earth after waking up in the morning. After this, keep your right foot on the ground.

  • People who get extremely angry should also keep in mind that after waking up in the morning, do not talk to anyone for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

  • According to astrology, if you get angry on every matter, then to control your anger, wear a big size real pearl in a silver ring or pendant. Silver calms the mind. Along with this, the native's moon planet will be cured and you will be able to control it properly even when anger comes.

  • Every morning after bathing, offer water to the Sun God and meditate on the Sun God. Apart from this, if the work done due to anger gets spoiled, then light a lamp every morning and evening in the east direction of the house.

  • At the same time, use fewer red clothes in everyday life. It is considered a symbol of fierce nature. You should choose white or cream-colored clothes.

  • Also, recite Hanuman Chalisa daily. This pacifies Mars and reduces anger. Also, offer Arghya to the moon on Monday night. Anger also calms down by looking at the moon.

  • According to astrology, to reduce anger, take special care of cleanliness at home or in your work area if you are working. Keep in mind that if there is dirt around, then anger increases further. Apart from this, regularly offer water to the Sun God. Along with this, light a lamp in the east direction both in the morning and evening. This remedy also reduces anger.

  • According to astrology, people who get angry should never insult women in their home-family and workplace. Along with this, worship Hanumanji and also recite Hanuman Chalisa. Try to use red color as little as possible.


All humans get angry, but it is not right to get angry too much about small things. With anger, a person harms himself. Sometimes, due to this, a huge loss has to be incurred. In excessive anger, a person does not understand the difference between right and wrong. It is also considered harmful to health. People who get very angry often have to face health problems. If you also get angry too much, then you can know about more measures by talking to astrology.

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