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House Number 1 in Numerology - Astrological Guide

House Number 1 in Numerology - Astrological Guide

According to numerology, each number has its own significance and effect on people. This can be related to your financial health, career opportunities, as well as family life. According to numerology, apart from birth number, people are also influenced by their house number. Lists more details about the effect of house numbers that total 1 ( 1, 10, 100, and so on).


Numerology Number 1: Who Should Prefer?


According to numerologists, the number 1 is ruled by the Sun and attracts people belonging to the Leo Sun Sign. People who prefer to be highly independent should give preference to such houses. Also, individuals holding leadership positions can opt for such homes. The energy will make the homeowner more self-reliant. It is also a great home for those looking for a fresh start.


House Number 1: Who should avoid it?


Such houses are not suitable for couples who are planning to start a family or people who live on a tight budget. Typically, such homes require a lot of maintenance and care. Therefore, a substantial amount goes into the maintenance of such propriety.


House Number 1 Vastu: Influence on your life


Individuals living in house number 1 may often feel lonely and aggressive. To balance the energy created by such houses, homeowners can place a similar number at the back door. Since numbers are divisible by two, it promotes sharing and companionship. It will also help you find a partner and friend who will keep your temper under control.


Positive Effects of House Number 1 on Numerology


  • Works best for leaders.

  • It makes the residents self-reliant.

  • Let residents follow their goals.

  • Promotes innovation and independence.


Negative Effects of House Number 1 on Numerology


  • The house requires more maintenance.

  • Businessmen may fail to socialize with others.


Precautions for Owners of House Number 1



The house owners of house number 1 are poor. There are problems with eyesight, heart, and blood circulation. Owners of house number 1 should get their blood pressure checked regularly.

The energy of house number 1 is very aggressive while fire safety is important for all houses. Therefore, it is considered more prone to fire. Therefore, a fire alarm should be installed in such houses.

Homeowners may need to invest in life coaching or counseling, to fill the personality gaps in their lives.

Those living in such homes are more prone to personality conflicts. Apart from this, depending on the owner, such houses also bring out your survival instinct and you will be tested on leadership skills often. In such a situation, you have to prepare in advance for this.


How To Decorate House Number 1 In Numerology?


  • House Number 1 encourages a spirit of freedom and openness. Therefore, it is important that the windows of such houses are large and free from any obstruction including decorations, ledges, or crystals.

  • You can use eye-catching colors of different shades of gold, white and orange.

  • Make sure house number one gets enough natural light to boost your mood and invite positivity. You can illuminate the space with adequate artificial lighting.

  • A basic design works well for a situational residence.

  • You can leave enough free space in the house and avoid filling it with heavy furniture.

  • Keep some potted plants around the house to add some greenery as it helps in creating a relaxing atmosphere.


Number 1 is also considered an auspicious number for the house. Self-employed and single individuals who are just starting their personal or professional life should use this number. House number 1 in numerology represents a strong sense of independence and will. It is suitable for those who have a strong sense of curiosity and desire to excel in whatever they do. Number 1 is also considered lucky in numerology as it provides a prosperous beginning to any new endeavor, be it in their personal or professional life. If you want to know more about house number 1, then talk to astrology.

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