Everyone dreams of having their own house, and not only all of us humans, but even the birds flying in the sky, when they raise their family, first make their nests on trees, whether small or big, Everyone wants a house. But what are the reasons that some people's houses are built very easily while some people's houses are not built even in their whole life? Some people have large homes with very low-income jobs or businesses. On the other hand, some people are never able to get a house built even after having a good job. According to wealth astrology, our horoscope is behind all this.┬а
Yoga of Own House in Kundli
In the Kundali, the fourth house, the lord of the fourth house, Mars and Saturn are under the influence of strong and auspicious planets, the more the chances of that person to have his own house.
If there is an aspect of any auspicious planet or planets on the fourth house or fourth house of the Kundali or if the auspicious planets themselves are sitting in the fourth house being strong, then the person definitely gets his own house.
In Kundali, if the auspicious relation of the eleventh house is being made with the fourth house, then the person has more than one house, or buying and selling houses is the means of his livelihood.
If there is a relationship between the fourth, eighth and eleventh house in Kundali, then the native gets ancestral property or gets a house with the help of in-laws.
If the lord of the fourth house or the lord of the fourth house is having a relationship with the twelfth house, then the person builds his house somewhere far away from his native place or builds his house in a foreign country.
If there is the auspicious effect of Mercury on the fourth house or its lord, then the person's house is in a business place or market or he conducts business activities from his house.
If the relation of the fourth house or its lord is being made with the ninth house or its lord in any way, then the house of that person is built easily, in this type of Kundali especially the father helps in building the house.
If the planet Venus has an auspicious effect on the fourth place in the Kundali, then such a person remains happy as long as he lives in his house. There are many means of comfort in his house.
If the lord of the fourth house in a person's Kundali is located in the fourth house and the fourth house is aspected by an auspicious planet and that auspicious planet is a friendly planet of the Lord of the ascendant, then that person gets a perfect building (house) and happiness.
If Mars has an exalted aspect on the fourth house and Saturn has its own aspect, then a good house is obtained at a good place. This type of yoga is formed in Libra ascendant.
If the fourth house or the lord of the fourth house is influenced by the Sun but Saturn is weak in the Kundali, then that person gets a government house.
If the Lord of the Ascendant is located in the fourth house and the Lord of the Fourth House is sitting in the Ascendant, then the person gets the pleasure of a grand and big house in Mahadasha, Antardasha, or Pratyantar Dasha of the lord of the fourth house.
If any planet is exalted in the fourth house, then that person gets his own house in Mahadasha, Antardasha, or Pratyantar Dasha of that planet.
If there is an effect of Saturn on the fourth house or its lord, then the person's house is in solitude or in a deserted place, if Saturn or the fourth house or the lord of the fourth house is affected by any auspicious planet, then this defect decreases.
If Saturn is the lord of the fourth house in the Kundali and it is aspects its own house i.e. the fourth house, but there is no auspicious effect on Saturn, then even after getting a house, the happiness of that house is not attained or the person is far away from that house. Lives happily but become sad as soon as they come to the house.
If there is an influence of Rahu on the fourth house or the lord of the fourth house, then the house of such a person gets built accidentally or after the house is built, it definitely gets vandalized. If a person with this type of Kundali wants to progress in their life, then he should live on the upper floor of the house.
In the Kundali, the fourth house, the lord of the fourth house, Mars and Saturn are under the influence of strong and auspicious planets, the more the chances of that person having his own house. If you have a problem regarding buying a house, then you can get the right information by talking to astrology.