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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Gems To Reduce Mental Stress And Increase Self-Confidence

Gems To Reduce Mental Stress And Increase Self-Confidence

In today's time, busy life, students have to face work pressure from studies to job profession. In such a situation, a person has to face physical to mental stress. On the other hand, according to Ratna Shastra, if the Moon gets corrupted in the horoscope of a person, then he has to face mental stress along with the weakening of self-confidence. Along with this, there is a bad effect on married life. Various measures are taken to correct the position of the Moon in the horoscope. But if you want, you can wear this gem. You can definitely get benefit from this. This gem named Moon Stone can bring many changes in life. Know the benefits and methods of wearing Moonstone gemstones.


If the moon gets corrupted in our horoscope, then there is a lack of self-confidence along with mental stress. Apart from this, your relations with the mother deteriorate. There is an atmosphere of unrest in married life. According to astrology, wearing Chandramani gemstone is considered auspicious to avoid the inauspicious effects of the Moon.



Benefits Of Wearing Moonstone



According to Ratna Shastra, this gem named Chandrakanta can prove to be very beneficial in strengthening the Moon. It is also called Moonstone or Pearl.


  • By wearing this gem, a person gets relief from mental stress.

  • Decision-making ability increases and self-confidence is also strengthened.

  • Hidden creativity also comes out.

  •  Wearing Moonstone gives benefits in business as well as in career.

  • Wearing this stone gives full support of luck and gets rid of negative energy.

  • If a person has a phobia of anything, he can wear this stone. This keeps both the mind and the mind balanced. 


Which Zodiac Signs Can Wear Moonstone?


Moon is the lord of Moonstone. That's why the people of Cancer zodiac can wear it comfortably. Apart from this, writers, artists, musicians, and people associated with other creative fields can also wear it. The lord of Cancer is Moon. In such a situation, people of the Cancer zodiac can wear moonstones without thinking. On the other hand, for those who wish to do better in the field of folk art, such people can also wear moonstones. Moonstone helps you a lot in bringing out the creativity hidden inside you. 



What Day To Wear Moonstone 



According to Ratna Shastra, wearing a Moonstone on Monday or a full moon day can prove to be auspicious. It would be auspicious to wear it on the smallest finger of the right hand. 



Method Of Wearing Moonstone 



Get the moonstone fixed in a silver ring. Put this ring in Ganga water in a bowl on Monday evening. After this, chant Om Chandraya Namah: Mantra 108 times. After this, take out the ring from the Ganga water and wear it.



By wearing Moonstone on Monday, a person can get relief from many troubles. With this only happiness can come in life. Know the benefits and methods of wearing Chandrakata. To know about the gemstone to get rid of mental stress go for an astrology phone consultation.

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