Effects of Planets in Capricorn Ascendant
The person born in Capricorn ascendant has a slim body. Their height is medium height and their color is mostly black. Often some part of their body is more or less in proportion. People born in Capricorn ascendant have beautiful eyes, they are serious and contemplative by nature. Spirituality attracts them toward themselves. They are successful because of their tact. Such people are always alert and have efficient ethics. Patience and restraint are included in them.
Effect of Moon in Capricorn Ascendant
Moon is the lord of the seventh house in the horoscope of Capricorn ascendant. This person is representative of Lakshmi, woman, sex, death, sexual intercourse, theft, quarrel, disturbance, disturbance, genital, business, fire, etc.
The native gets auspicious results in the above-mentioned subjects due to being in the horoscope of the native or the strong and benefic influence of the Moon during their Dasha period. Moon being under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Sun Planet in Capricorn Ascendant
Sun is the lord of the 8th house and this person is afflicted with disease, life, age, cause of death, mental anxiety, sea travel, atheistic thought stream, in-laws, misfortune, poverty, laziness, secret place, prison journey, hospital, chirped operation, ghosts. It is representative of subjects like witchcraft, horrific sorrows of life, etc.
Due to the strong and auspicious influence of the Sun in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Mars in Capricorn Ascendant
Mars is the lord of the fourth and eleventh house in the Capricorn ascendant. Mother, land building, vehicle, quadruped, friend, partnership, peace, water, public, permanent property, kindness, benevolence, deceit, deceit, state of conscience, consumption of aquatic substances, accumulated wealth, false accusation, rumor, love, love relationship, love represents the subjects related to marriage while being the eleventh lord, greed, profit, selfishness, slavery, servitude, childlessness, daughter progeny, tau, uncle, brother, elder siblings, corruption, bribery, It is representative of subjects such as dishonesty.
Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Mars in the birth chart of the person or his Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Venus in Capricorn Ascendant
Venus is the lord of the fifth and tenth house in Capricorn ascendant. Being the fifth lord, gives the person intellect, soul, memory, power to acquire knowledge, policy, self-confidence, management system, devotion to God, patriotism, renunciation of job, ways to get money, effortless money acquisition, gambling, lottery, State, honor, prestige, karma, father, sovereignty, business, rights, havan, rituals, due to the subjects like speculation, son, child, worship by the mantra, fasting, hand's fame, self-respect, ego, etc.
They are the ruler of the subjects of opulence, fame, leadership, foreign travel, paternal property, etc. Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Venus in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results. Venus having ownership of a center and triangle is very beneficial in the Capricorn ascendant.
Effect of Mercury in Capricorn Ascendant
According to the Kundali of Capricorn Ascendant, Mercury being the lord of the sixth house can cause diseases, debts, enemies, humiliation, worry, doubt, pain, maternal, false speech, yoga practice, landlord, merchant, moneylender, advocacy, addiction, knowledge, any Good is representative of bad addiction, etc.
Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Mercury in the birth chart of the person or his Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Jupiter in Capricorn Ascendant
Jupiter is the lord of the twelfth house, it is representative of the subjects of sleep, travel, loss, charity, expenditure, punishment, unconsciousness, dog, fish, salvation, foreign travel, enjoyment, opulence, lustful gait, extravagance, wasteful travel, etc.
Due to the strong and auspicious influence of Jupiter in the birth chart of the person or their Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Saturn in Capricorn Ascendant
Saturn is the lord of the 1st and 2nd house in Capricorn ascendant. Being this Ascendant, the person's form, sign, caste, body, age, happiness, sorrow, conscience, mind, nature, shape and representative of the whole personality and being the second lord of the family, eyes, nose, throat, ears, voice It is representative of subjects like diamonds, pearls, gems, jewelry, beauty, singing, speech, family, etc.
Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Saturn in the birth chart of the person or his Dasha period, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects, while being under weak and inauspicious effects gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Rahu in Capricorn Ascendant
In Capricorn Ascendant, Rahu is the ruler of the ninth house, the person's religion, virtue, fortune, guru, Brahmin, deity, pilgrimage, devotion, mental attitude, fortune, modesty, tenacity, migration, father's happiness, pilgrimage, charity, etc. Being a representative becomes very auspicious.
Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Rahu or the Dasha period in the birth chart of the person, the person gets special auspicious results in the above subjects. Whereas Rahu is weak and under inauspicious effect gives inauspicious results.
Effect of Planet Ketu in Capricorn Ascendant
Ketu being the third lord here represents the person's servants, siblings, consumption of inedible substances, anger, confusion, writing, computer, accounts, mobile, effort, courage, bravery, cough, exercise, slavery, etc. Due to the strong and auspicious effect of Ketu or its Dasha period in the horoscope of the native, the person gets auspicious results in the above subjects. Whereas Ketu is weak and under inauspicious effect gives inauspicious results.
The effect of all the planets in the Capricorn ascendant has been described in the article. Talk to Astrologer to know what measures should be taken to remove the bad effects of the planets.