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Effects of Planets in Gemini Ascendant

Effects of Planets in Gemini Ascendant

The people of Gemini ascendant are courageous and mighty by nature. Due to the influence of Mercury on this zodiac, you are a person of versatility. Being born in this ascendant, you will be kind, intelligent, and eloquent and you will be inclined towards artistic works.

Your talent keeps shining day by day and everyone is impressed by your work. Due to the air element of this zodiac, your mind is always on the move. You are always busy making new plans and you can get lost in the world of fantasies.


Effect of Moon in Gemini Ascendant


In Gemini's ascendant, Moon is the lord of the second house and lord of the house of wealth. it is the mother of the person, land, building, vehicle, quadrupole, friend, partnership, peace, water, public, permanent property, kindness, benevolence, deceit, deceit, state of conscience, consumption of aquatic substances, accumulated wealth, false accusation, Rumor is representative of contexts like love, love affair, love marriage.

It is only these references that satisfy the mind of the people of Gemini ascendant, if the Moon is strong and auspicious in the horoscope or Dasha period, then the person gets complete satisfaction through these references. Due to the presence of a malefic or weak Moon, one gets inferiority and dissatisfaction in the subjects mentioned.


Effect of Sun in Gemini Ascendant


The Sun, which spreads light in the whole world, is the ruler of the third house. The Sun represents the subjects of servant chakra, siblings, consumption of inedible substances, anger, confusion, writing, computer, accounts, mobile, effort, courage, bravery, cough, exercise, slavery, etc. In order to hoist their fame, the people of Gemini ascendant keep trying to promote and strengthen the above references.

When the Sun is strong and under the benefic influence of the Sun in the horoscope or Dasha period, they get the auspicious results of these subjects, while the weak and sinful effects of the previous Sun, they have to suffer losses in the above contexts.


Effect of Mars in Gemini Ascendant


Mars is the lord of the sixth and eleventh house in Gemini Ascendant. Being the sixth lord, this disease, debt, enemy, humiliation, worry, doubt, pain, maternal grandmother, false speech, yoga practice, zamindari merchant behavior, moneylender, and is the eleventh lord, it is greed, profit, selfishness, slavery, servitude, childlessness, Virgo is the owner of references like progeny, aunt, uncle, brother, elder siblings, corruption, bribery, dishonesty. Mars being strong and beneficially affected in the above subjects, the people of Gemini ascendant get auspicious results and weak and sinful Mars is inauspicious.


Effect of Venus in Gemini Ascendant


Venus is the lord of the fifth and twelfth house. Being a Panchamesh, intellect, soul, memory, power to acquire knowledge, policy, self-confidence, management system, devotion to god, patriotism, renunciation of job, ways to get money, effortless money acquisition, gambling, lottery, speculation, gastritis, sons, children, worship by the mantra, fasting fast, the fame of the hand, Kukshi, self-respect, ego and being twelfth, sleep, travel, loss, charity, expenditure, punishment, unconsciousness, dog, fish, salvation, foreign travel, Bhoga is the representative planet of subjects like opulence, lustful girlishness,┬а and wasteful travel.

If Venus is strong and under the auspicious influence in the birth chart or its Dasha, it gives very auspicious results. If weak and sinful, then only inauspicious results are found in these fruits.


Effect of Mercury in Gemini Ascendant


Mercury is the lord of the first house in Gemini ascendant, which is representative of very important subjects like form, sign, caste, body, age, happiness, sorrow, conscience, mind, nature, shape and complete personality of the person. The position of a strong Mercury gives very auspicious results in these subjects, whereas the weak and sinful effect of Mercury gives inauspicious results in these contexts.


Effect of Jupiter in Gemini Ascendant


In Gemini ascendant, Jupiter being the lord of the seventh house is representative of subjects like Lakshmi, woman, sex, death, sex, theft, quarrel, disturbance, disturbance, genital, business, and fire. Auspicious and strong Jupiter gives very auspicious results in these subjects, whereas weak and malefic Jupiter gives inauspicious results in these results.


Effect of Saturn in Gemini Ascendant


Saturn is the lord of the eighth and ninth house in Gemini ascendant, being the eighth house, it causes disease, life, age, cause of death, mental anxiety, sea travel, atheistic thought stream, in-laws, misfortune, poverty, laziness, secret place, jail visit, hospital This religion, virtue, fortune, guru, brahmin, deity, pilgrimage, devotion, mental instinct, fortune, modesty, tenacity, migration, father's due to raging operation, ghosts, witchcraft, life's horrific sorrow, and newness Represents subjects like happiness, pilgrimage, charity, peepal.

Strong and benefic influence Saturn gives very auspicious results, whereas weak or malefic Saturn under malefic effects gives inauspicious results in the above-mentioned subjects.


Effect of Rahu in Gemini Ascendant


Rahu is the lord of the fourth house in this ascendant, mother, land, building, vehicle, quadrupole, friend, partnership, peace, water, public, permanent property, kindness, benevolence, deceit, deceit, conscience, consumption of aquatic substances, accumulated wealth.

The planet is representative of subjects like false accusations, rumors, love, love affair, and love marriage. Auspicious and strong Rahu gives very auspicious results in these subjects whereas Rahu with weak and sinful effects gives inauspicious results.


Effect of Ketu in Gemini Ascendant


Ketu gets the ownership of the tenth house in Gemini ascendant and because of being the tenth lord, it is ruled by state, honor, prestige, deeds, father, sovereignty, business, authority, havan, rituals, opulence, glories, fame, leadership, foreign travel, ancestral property. Subjects are representative. If this Ketu is strong and has a good influence, then these subjects get very auspicious results.


In Gemini ascendant, all the houses have different effects. If you want to know more about the effect of planets in Gemini Ascendant then you can talk to astrologers.

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