Eclipse 2025 Astrology - Grahan 2025
According to astrology, eclipses bring rapid growth and encourage us to move in the best direction, both individually and collectively, as a society. If you are on the "right path", you may experience great victories. If not, you may face a challenge that forces you to change direction for the better.
Solar Eclipse 2025
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, causing the Moon to cast a shadow on the Earth. This happens rarely, because the Moon does not revolve in exactly the same plane as the Sun and the Earth. Two things must happen simultaneously to see a solar eclipse: the Sun, Moon, and Earth must be in a straight line, with the Moon between the Sun and Earth; And you should be standing in the right place on Earth. Read more about Solar Eclipse 2025 Astrology...
First Solar Eclipse 2025
The first solar eclipse, on March 29, 2025, will be visible over Europe, Asia, Africa, and both North and South America, with its shadow falling over the Atlantic and Arctic oceans.┬а
Last Solar Eclipse 2025
The last solar eclipse on September 21, 2025, will delight spectators in the skies over Australia, Antarctica, and the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Lunar Eclipse 2025
The Moon orbits the Sun and the Earth. During this period, many times the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun. Because of this, direct sunlight does not reach the Moon and the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon. This phenomenon is called lunar eclipse. However, the Moon does not disappear completely from the sky, rather it appears red in color. Read more about Lunar Eclipse 2025 Astrology...
First Lunar Eclipse 2025
The first lunar eclipse will occur on Friday, March 14, 2025, the first of two total lunar eclipses in 2025. The Moon appears smaller than normal.┬а
Last Solar Eclipse 2025
The last lunar eclipse will occur on 7 September 2025. Once again, the Moon will pass directly over Earth's shadow, although this time it will pass south of the center of the shadow.
Importance of Solar Eclipse
At the time of the solar eclipse, people perform special prayers according to various customs and traditions in the religious scriptures so that they can experience its effect in the form of peace and happiness. According to the scriptures, doing good deeds, prayer, meditation, yoga, charity, service, etc. at the time of the solar eclipse is considered extremely auspicious.
Importance of Lunar Eclipse
According to Vedic astrology, the occasion has significant spiritual implications and significance, as well as customs and rituals observed by the followers. The phases of the moon during eclipses are thought to represent life, death, and rebirth. Many civilizations view lunar eclipses as a time for spiritual activities, meditation, and introspection. The occasion is considered a time of change and rebirth as well as a chance to release negative energies.
There are going to be two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses in the year 2025. Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse will have different effects on everyone's life. If you also want to know about the effect of solar eclipses and lunar eclipses according to your zodiac sign, then you can talk to astrologers.