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Eclipse 2024: Grahan 2024

Eclipse 2024: Grahan 2024

Even for science and other countries, the event of the eclipse is considered only as an astronomical event. But in India and especially in the Hindu religion, the event of the eclipse is considered inauspicious. Apart from this, many mythological stories and beliefs are also prevalent due to solar and lunar eclipses.

According to science, astronomical events like lunar eclipses and solar eclipses occur due to the position of the Moon, Sun, and Earth. According to astrology, the eclipse has special significance. It is considered an inauspicious event and hence, worship and auspicious activities are prohibited during the eclipse.

Therefore, know in advance how many solar and lunar eclipses will occur in the new year 2024. Also, know whether the sutak of any eclipse will also be valid. Let us know about the date, Sutak period time, etc. of the eclipse that will occur in 2024.


Solar Eclipse 2024


A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth and its shadow falls on the Earth. In this state, it completely or partially covers the sunlight. Read More about Solar eclipse 2024...


First Solar Eclipse 2024


The first solar eclipse of the year 2024 will take place on Monday, April 08, which will not be visible in India and Sutak is also not valid. The first solar eclipse will not be seen in India. But it can be seen in Western Asia, South-West Europe, Australia, Africa, North America, South America, the Atlantic Ocean, the North Pole, and the South Pole. The first solar eclipse of the year will start at 09:12 pm and will end at 01:25 midnight.


Second Solar Eclipse 2024


The second solar eclipse of the year will take place on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. This eclipse will also not be visible in India nor will its Sutak be valid here. It is being told that this solar eclipse will be an annular eclipse. Let us tell you that such a situation occurs when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, but its distance is far from the Earth. Due to its distance from the Earth, the Moon appears smaller. It can be seen in America, South America, Argentina, and the Atlantic Ocean. The second solar eclipse of the year will start at 09:13 pm and will end at 03:17 midnight.


Lunar Eclipse 2024


A lunar eclipse is considered an event in astrology. The reason behind this has been attributed to Rahu Ketu. At the same time, according to science, when the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun, an eclipse occurs. At the same time, according to astrology, when an eclipse occurs, the Moon becomes afflicted. Read more about Lunar Eclipse 2024...


First Lunar Eclipse 2024


The first lunar eclipse of the year 2024 will take place on Monday, March 25, 2024. Which will be a penumbral lunar eclipse. This also will not be visible in India. For this reason, its Sutak will also not be valid. During a penumbral eclipse, the Moon passes only through the outer edges of the Earth's shadow. Therefore it becomes difficult to see it with naked or naked eyes. The first lunar eclipse of the year will be visible in Europe, North-East Asia, Australia, Africa, and North and South America. It can also be seen in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic, Arctic, and Antarctica. On March 25, the lunar eclipse will begin at 10:41 am and will end at 03:01 pm.


Second Lunar Eclipse 2024


The second lunar eclipse of the year 2024 will take place on Wednesday, September 18. This will be a partial lunar eclipse and it will also not be visible in India. The lunar eclipse on September 18 will be visible in Europe, North and South America, South and North Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean. The eclipse will start at 06:12 am and end at 10:17 am.


In the new year 2024, there will be 2 solar eclipses and 2 lunar eclipses. When the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, in this situation the sunlight does not reach the Earth. This event is called a solar eclipse. At the same time, when the Moon, Earth, and Sun come in a straight line, during this time the sunlight falls on the Earth but does not fall on the Moon. This phenomenon is called lunar eclipse. This geographical event has great importance in the Hindu religion. Auspicious works are prohibited during the eclipse. To know more about lunar eclipses and solar eclipses, you can talk to astrologers.

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