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Dhan Yoga in Virgo Ascendant: Effect and Result

Dhan Yoga in Virgo Ascendant: Effect and Result

Venus is the provider of wealth for the people born in Virgo ascendant. The auspicious position of Dhanesh Venus, the position of the planets connecting with the house of wealth, and the aspects of the planets falling on the house of wealth, reveal the economic status, sources of income, and movable and immovable property of the native. Apart from this, favorable conditions of ascendant Mercury, fifth lord Shani and fifth lord Moon are helpful in increasing wealth, opulence and splendor for those with Virgo ascendant. By the way, Mars and Sun are supreme sinners for the Virgo ascendant. Venus alone is auspicious and fruitful. Moon and Mercury are yoga factors. Mars being the eighth lord is Markesh.

Auspicious Conjunction: Mercury + Venus

Inauspicious Conjunction: Mars + Mercury

Raj yoga Karaka: Jupiter and Venus


Know About The Wealth Yoga in Virgo Ascendant


According to┬аWealth Astrology,┬аif there is Saturn in the fifth house in Virgo ascendant and Mercury in the benefic place, then such a person earns money through his skills and becomes a prestigious rich person in the city.

If the Venus of the Virgo ascendant is in Libra or Pisces, then the person is wealthy. Bhagyalakshmi never leaves their side.

If Venus is sitting in the house of Moon and Moon in the house of Venus in Virgo ascendant, then the person is very fortunate.

If Mercury is in the Kendra Trikona in the Virgo ascendant and Venus is in its own house, then such a person blooms like a lotus in the mud, that is, even after being born in a low family, they become a millionaire on the strength of their effort.

If there is Mercury in the Virgo ascendant and Jupiter is conjunct or aspected by Saturn, then the person becomes very wealthy.

If Saturn is in the fifth house in the Virgo ascendant and Sun and Moon are in the benefic place, then the person becomes Mahalakshmi.

If the Mercury of the Virgo Ascendant is in Cancer and the Moon is in the Ascendant, then the person destroys the enemies and enjoys self-earned wealth.

If Lagna lord Mercury, dhanesh Venus, and Labhesh Moon are in their own exalted or self-signs in Virgo ascendant, then the person becomes a millionaire.

If Rahu, Venus, Mars, and Saturn are conjunct in Virgo ascendant, then the person becomes a billionaire.

If Saturn and Venus are in the eighth position in the Virgo ascendant, but the Sun aspects the ascendant, then such a person gets buried wealth or can get money from the lottery.

If the Mars of Virgo Ascendant is in the fifth house of Capricorn, then тАЬRuchaka YogaтАЭ is formed. Such a person enjoys wealth and opulence equal to that of a king.

If Jupiter and Labhesh Moon are located in the ninth house in the Virgo ascendant and aspected by Mars, then the person acquires wealth without any effort.

If Jupiter and Moon are in Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, or Taurus in the Virgo Ascendant, then due to this type of Gajkesari Yoga, the person attains great wealth and fame.

If Saturn and Venus are sitting in the eighth house and the eighth lord Mars in the house of wealth, then the person earns money through wrong methods like gambling and betting.

If Lagna lord Mercury, fifth lord Moon, and fifth lord Saturn are in the eighth house and Venus in Pisces in the seventh house, then such a person gets money from their in-laws.

If Venus and Ketu are in the second house, then the person becomes rich and gets wealth and money by accident.


Due to the formation of money yoga in the marriage of Virgo, the person does not face any shortage of money. If you also want to know which yogas are being formed in your Kundli, then talk to astrologers.

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