Dhan Yoga in Taurus Ascendant: Effect and Result
The planet Mercury is the provider of wealth for the people born in Taurus ascendant. The auspicious position of Dhanesh Mercury and the position of the planet connecting with the house of wealth shows the economic status, source of income, and movable and immovable property of the native. The favorable conditions of lord Venus, lord Saturn, and lord Jupiter fully cooperate in increasing the wealth, opulence, and glory of the natives of Taurus ascendant. For the Kundali of this Ascendant, Saturn is Rajayogkari. Jupiter being the eighth lord gives deadly results. The Sun is auspicious and fruitful, so the Yoga karaka planets are Sun, Mercury, and Saturn only.
Auspicious Conjunction: Mercury + Saturn
Inauspicious Conjunction: Venus + Mars
Raj yoga Karaka: Sun, Mercury, Saturn
Know About The Wealth Yoga in Taurus Ascendant
According to┬аWealth Astrology,┬аif Mercury is in Gemini or Virgo in the horoscope of Taurus ascendant, then the person becomes rich.
If the Saturn of Taurus ascendant is in Capricorn, Aquarius, or Libra, then the person earns a lot of money with little effort. Such a person is lucky in terms of money.
If Venus is located in Taurus ascendant and Saturn is aspected by Mercury, then the person becomes a reputed rich man in the city.
If Mercury and Saturn are sitting in Taurus ascendant by changing each other's zodiac sign, then the person becomes rich by their effort and bravery.
If Mercury is in the fifth house in Taurus ascendant, Jupiter in Pisces is in benefic place with Moon or Mars, then Mahalakshmi Yoga is formed. Such people have immense wealth and are blessed by Goddess Bhagya Lakshmi throughout their life.
If there is Moon in Taurus ascendant and there is Mars along with it, then the person becomes a person with immense wealth by their prowess.
If Saturn is in the center-triangle in the Taurus ascendant, Mercury is in the house of wealth, or in the fifth house, then the person blossoms like a lotus in the mud and becomes a millionaire.
If there is a conjunction of Venus, Moon, and Sun in Taurus ascendant, then the person becomes very wealthy.
If Venus is in a benefic place in Taurus ascendant and Jupiter is in a benefic place, then the person earns a lot of money in their short life. Such a person destroys the enemies and gets success and Dhana Lakshmi throughout their life.
If Lord Lagna Venus, Dhanesh Mercury, Bhagyesh Saturn, and Labhesh Jupiter are situated in their own exalted or self-signs in Taurus ascendant, then the person becomes a millionaire.
If there is a conjunction of these four planets Rahu, Venus, Mars, and Saturn in the fifth house in Taurus ascendant, then the person becomes a billionaire.
If Mercury and Saturn are in the second house in Taurus ascendant, then the person gets wealth.
If Venus is in Gemini in Taurus ascendant, Mercury is in Pisces, and Jupiter is in the center of Sagittarius, then the person gets money and wealth instantly.
If Sun is of Scorpio and Venus is of Leo in Taurus ascendant, then such a person gets money from their in-laws.
If Dhanesh Mercury is sitting in the eighth house in Taurus ascendant and Sun is aspecting the ascendant, then such a person gets money buried in the ground or gets money from the lottery.
In the ascendant of Taurus, Dhanesh Mercury is sitting in the eighth house and the eighth lord Jupiter is sitting in the place of wealth by changing their zodiac signs, then such a person earns money through wrong methods like gambling and betting.
Read the article to know about Dhan Yoga in Taurus ascendant. If you are worried about money-related problems, then talk to astrologers. An astrologer will tell you the exact solution after seeing your Kundli.