Child Yoga In Taurus Ascendant - Effect and Result
Child Yoga In Taurus Ascendant - Effect and Result
In astrology, Taurus has got the status of the second zodiac. In astrology, it is believed that the people of the Taurus zodiac get the happiness of a child with great difficulty and both the health and nature of the child give problems. If your zodiac sign is Taurus and you are deprived of child happiness even after many years of marriage, you can enjoy child happiness by taking measures according to your zodiac sign.
According to According to Childbirth predictions, worshiping Gods and Goddesses according to your zodiac sign and taking measures according to your zodiac sign can bring desired results. As to which person should worship which deity, after getting information about his zodiac sign and the parts of the zodiac, worshiping the deity according to that part definitely brings benefits. Here you will find the reasons for the people of the Taurus zodiac not getting children and the ways to get happiness from children.
Astrological Reasons For Taurus People Not Having Children
Taurus ascendant is of small progeny. If the fifth lord Mercury is in the eighth house in Taurus ascendant, then the native will have few children.
If the fifth lord Mercury is set in Taurus Lagna or afflicted with sin is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth place, then the person does not have a son.
If the fifth lord is in Mercury ascendant (Taurus sign) in Taurus ascendant, and is conjoined or aspected by Jupiter, then the native has the first son.
If Mars is in Taurus Lagna, Sun is in the fifth house and Saturn is in the eighth house, then a son is born after the youth is over and after a lot of effort.
If Saturn is in Taurus ascendant, Jupiter is in the eighth house and Mars is in the twelfth house, then after the youth of the person has passed, a son is born after a lot of effort.
If Mercury is in the ascendant in Taurus and Venus, the lord of the ascendant is sitting in the fifth house with mutual changes, then the person adopts the other's child and brings it up like his own child.
If Mercury is in the fifth house in Taurus Lagna, then the person has three daughters. If there is a moon along with it, then there are four girls.
If the fifth lord Mercury is weak in Taurus ascendant and Rahu is in the eleventh house, then the person gets a child in old age.
If ascendant lord Venus is in the second position in Taurus ascendant and fifth lord Mercury is malefic or malefic, then the native will be destroyed after the birth of a son.
The son of such a person who is aspected by or aspected by auspicious planets in the twelfth house of the fifth lord Mercury in Taurus ascendant, has an untimely death in old age, due to which the person gets detached from the world and attains quietness.
If the fifth lord of Mercury is in conjunction with the seventh lord of Mars in Taurus ascendant, then the native gets a girl child as the first child.
If the Taurus ascendant is in the fifth house and the navamsa of the zodiac sign is joined by Saturn, Mercury, Venus, or Moon, then there are more girls.
If the fifth lord Mercury is weak if the ascendant lord Venus is also weak and if Rahu is in the fifth house, then the native does not have a son due to a snake defect.
If Rahu is in the fifth house and all the planets are in between Ketu in the eleventh house, then due to Padmanak тАЬKaal Sarp YogaтАЭ the native does not have a son.┬а
If the Sun is in the eighth house, Saturn is in the fifth house, and the fifth lord is infatuated with Rahu, then the person suffers from Pitridosh and due to the curse of the father, there is no son.
If there is a malefic planet in the fourth house of Taurus ascendant and the Moon is sitting here, then there is a malefic planet in the eighth house from it, then тАЬVanschide Yog is formed. Such a person's own lineage ends, and generations do not continue before him.
If there is a conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the fifth house, then twins are born.
In the birth chart of a woman, if Sun is in the ascendant and Saturn is in the seventh house, or if the conjunction of Sun and Saturn is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aspects the tenth house, then тАЬAngarbhayogaтАЭ is formed, such a woman is not eligible to conceive.
Taurus People Should Do These Measures To Get Children
The planet of Taurus is Venus. If Venus is malefic in your horoscope, then there can be obstacles to the happiness of children. If the Venus of the husband is not in a proper position, then there is no happiness for the child. The people of Taurus can get the happiness of children by strengthening their Venus.
Chanting the seed mantra of Venus 'Om Shun Shukray Namah' will be beneficial for you to have a child. Chanting this mantra not only increases virility but also gives you physical pleasure. Regular chanting of this mantra destroys harmful elements and new energy is infused into the body.
According to astrology, if many years have passed since the marriage and till now the cries of the child have not resounded in the courtyard, then uproot the root of the Madar tree on Friday and then tie it in the room which is not having children. By doing this, all kinds of negative energy are removed and the obstacle in having a child is removed.
Om Dran Drin Draun Sh Shukray Namah mantra should be chanted on Friday by wearing white clothes. Venus becomes strong by chanting 5, 11, or 21 rounds of this mantra.
People who have a weak planet Venus should fast on Fridays 21 times or 31 times. By fasting on Friday, Venus becomes strong and Goddess Lakshmi's blessings are also received. Happiness, good luck, and prosperity increase with the effect of this fast.
To make Venus strong, you should donate white clothes, beautiful clothes, rice, ghee, sugar, etc. Apart from these, you can also donate makeup, camphor, sugar candy, curd, etc.
Those whose Venus is weak should wear a diamond gemstone. For this, you can take the help of a good astrologer.
To get the happiness of children, you should call a girl on Friday and feed her white sweets. This trick should be done on eleven Fridays.
To correct the condition of Venus, do cow-rearing and service. By doing this, the obstacles coming in getting a child are different.
People of the Taurus zodiac sign should install Santan Gopal Yantra and by chanting 1.25 lakh Santan Gopal Mantra and wearing ten Mukhi┬а Rudraksha, children will be born soon.
People of the Taurus zodiac should wash and clean the banyan leaf on any day in the Shukla Paksha, make a swastika with kumkum, put some rice and a betel nut on it and offer it in a temple before sunset and ask God to bless you with a child. Pray for sure you will get a child.
The people of Taurus get the happiness of children with great difficulties. Children are born with great difficulty and give problems when they are born. Both the health and nature of the child give problems. For this, chant the mantra 'Om Bum Budhay Namah'(рдКрдВ рдмреБрдВ рдмреБрдзрд╛рдп рдирдо). If you have any problem related to a child then talk to astrology.