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Child Yoga In Libra Ascendant - Effect and Result

Child Yoga In Libra Ascendant - Effect and Result

For every parent, the happiness of a child is the biggest happiness in life, if there is no child in the house, then the house becomes very deserted and only those who have felt this pain can understand the pain of this desolation. It is often seen that a married couple takes all possible measures to get the happiness of a child, worships and rituals according to everyone's advice, but even after that, they are not able to achieve desired success.

Out of desperation, they start considering worship, recitation, rituals, etc. to be a hoax, whereas it is not so at all. Astrologers believe that people of every zodiac sign can get desired results by worshiping deities according to their zodiac sign. According to child predictions, that's why the people of the Libra zodiac, who are still childless, can achieve the happiness of children by worshiping according to their zodiac and taking some measures.

Astrological Reasons For Libra People Not Having Children

    • If Saturn is sitting in the fifth house in Libra ascendant, then there are five sons.

    • If the fifth lord Saturn is in the eighth house in Libra ascendant, then the native will have few children.

    • If Shani, the fifth lord in Libra Ascendant, is afflicted with sin and is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house, then the person does not have a son.

    • If the fifth lord in Libra ascendant is in Saturn ascendant, aspected by Jupiter, then the first child of the native can only be a son.

    • If the fifth lord Saturn is in the ascendant of Libra and the lord of the ascendant Venus is sitting in the fifth house, then the person adopts the children of others and brings them up as his own son.

    • If Libra ascendant is in the fifth lord, Saturn is weak and Rahu is in the eleventh house, then the native may have a child in old age.

    • If the ascendant lord Venus is in the second house in Libra ascendant and the fifth lord Shani is afflicted with sin, then the son of the native gets destroyed after birth.

    • If Shani, the fifth lord in Libra Ascendant, is aspected by a benefic planet in the twelfth house, then the son of such a person dies prematurely in old age, due to which the person gets disenchanted with the world and turns towards renunciation.

    • ┬а┬аIf there is a malefic planet in the fourth house of the Libra Ascendant and if there is a malefic planet in the eighth house from where the Moon is sitting, then the native's own lineage ends, and generations do not go ahead of him.

    • If the lord of the fifth house is in the fifth, sixth, or twelfth house in the Libra Ascendant and the fifth house is not aspected by auspicious planets, then the native does not beget children like barren earth, but the fault is pacified by the remedy.

Libra People Should Do These Measures To Get Children

    • The ruling planet of Libra is Venus. If Venus is malefic in your horoscope, then there can be obstacles to the happiness of children. It is believed that if the planet Venus of the husband is not in a proper position, then there is no happiness for the child. That's why to strengthen the Venus of the Libra zodiac, chant the seed mantra of Venus 'Om Shun Shukray Namah'. Regular chanting of this mantra only increases virility and gives happiness to children.

    • People whose Venus is weak should fast 21 times or 31 times on Fridays. Venus becomes strong by observing this fast and blessings of Maa Durga are also received. Happiness, good luck, and prosperity increase with the effect of this fast.

    • According to astrology, if many years have passed since the marriage and till now the cries of the child have not resounded in the courtyard, then uproot the root of the Madar tree on Friday and then tie it in the room of the childless couple. By doing this, all kinds of negative energy are removed and the obstacle in having a child is removed.

    • To get the happiness of children, on any day in the Shukla Paksha, after washing and cleaning a banyan leaf, make a swastika with kumkum, put some rice and a betel nut on it and offer it in a temple before sunset and ask God to bless you with a child. Pray for sure you will get a child.

    • If there are repeated miscarriages, tie a Gomti Chakra on the waist of the pregnant woman by sewing it in a red cloth on Friday. Abortion will not happen.


The children of the people of the Libra zodiac are normal. The child tries to be dependent on their parents. Only the parents have to cooperate with the children. Shani Mantra should be chanted for its remedy. Talk to astrology to know about when is the birth of the Libra zodiac.

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