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Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising: Man & Woman Personality

Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising: Man & Woman Personality

The Capricorn Sun with Pisces rising often presents a cold appearance, thus appearing aloof. On the inside, even if it is difficult in every case, the emotional traits of Pisces move forward as matters come to the fore. A Capricorn person with a Pisces Rising values spontaneity most, which is best when in nature or surrounded by animals. Depriving them of these qualities will destroy their internal harmony. But let's learn more about their features now.

This combination of Pisces Rising and Capricorn Sun is a very difficult partnership. Timid and reserved, you can often be considered a cold, distant, and condescending person. However, when you peel away the Capricorn shell, you reveal a sweet, sensitive, and affectionate Pisces. Your fear of rejection, which is why you generally avoid certain situations, means you enjoy stability and consistency. The strength of Pisces is a real asset to all your projects. Determined and tenacious, hard work does not scare you, as you like to do things thoroughly and carefully.

You seem like a kind, gentle, and happy person. But anyone who tries to manipulate you or your family will not hesitate to make sure that your temper is like an iron fist in a velvet glove. You are successful in society, but only a fool could think that you cannot stand up for yourself because you like to be polite and submissive.

Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising Personality

According to┬аPersonalized Prediction,┬аfriendship is of great importance to you and you are loyal, attentive, and caring towards your friends. Furthermore, although you appear to be a person who avoids making decisions, when you deal with important issues, you consider everything carefully and do not hesitate to choose the right path. You prefer to leave aside everyday tasks, believing that such small things do not deserve your attention. You have many brothers and sisters who support you a lot. Parents do not have much interest in your life and you may move away from your father. Perhaps the family property will be divided and you will not benefit from it. Your mother can marry twice.

Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising Woman

The Sun in Capricorn with its rise in Pisces graces the working day and illuminates the path towards the goal. They also try themselves in sports, they often manage to place bets on securities. True, they may lose everything again, but they believe they are winning again. The women around him object to many of his experiments, which she is unable to complete. They are unaware of the essentiality that life is work, only then does it have value.

Everyone does what she wants, but even she herself is not successful. They do not forget themselves and do not let themselves dominate them, but they wait too long for great happiness, not realizing that it usually involves lesser fortunes. They are not very willing to take risks, they are more indulgent in hopes.

Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising Man

When the Sun is in Capricorn and rising in Pisces, the man character often seems to deviate from its goal. Many temptations that come on the way to the top are dangerous for them. They often want to get rewards, and they are inferior to this desire. They tend to flare up if interpreted too strictly, or if they are taken into circulation.

His powers are exaggerated. They are impressionable and sensitive, they cannot just put themselves in the working column: they are not going to work in pieces, they have to be handled delicately. But then they cannot be changed, they add color to life.

Capricorn Sun and Pisces Rising Compatibility

Virgo rules their 7th house of love, marriage, and relationships and this person prefers dating someone who values their work and service to others. They appreciate a partner who is neat and clean and keeps their environment clean. They also prefer a partner who is quite polite and healthy. Therefore, Virgos make great partners. Like Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn, Pisces also make great partners. Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Aries make good friends, while Leo, Libra, and Gemini don't get along very well.

Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising, You are romantic, sensitive, and emotional and your emotional life holds an important place in your life. Your emotional path is not the easiest, but as a rule, you manage to find your balance. In a relationship, you are gentle and affectionate, you are confident, and you know how to put your partner at ease. Similarly, you need your partner to allow you to dream and escape.


Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising Love

According to┬аLove Marriage Prediction,┬аyou need a life partner who can provide you with a solid material upbringing. It should be romantic when you want, and the evils should not bother you. You are a connoisseur of the things in life and have a good sense of humor, but never allow yourself to have fun at someone else's expense. This combination of signs includes two marriages and a lot of troubles in family life. You may be lucky with your spouse, but not with his/her relatives. You will receive an inheritance from a representative of the opposite sex. You will have many children, they will be successful in life, and a lot of travel and unexpected changes await them.

Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising, You are romantic, sensitive, and emotional and your emotional life holds an important place in your life. Your emotional path is not the easiest, but as a rule, you manage to find your balance. In a relationship, you are gentle and affectionate, you are confident, and you know how to put your partner at ease. Similarly, you need your partner to allow you to dream and escape.

Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising Health

According to┬аHealth┬аPrediction,┬аtheir desire to escape from reality can lead to alcohol addiction. The fear of being left without a livelihood can also affect your health. Diseases, if any, will affect the kidneys, legs, or ovaries. You may suffer injuries to your ankles and eyes. Handle with sharp and hot objects. A little common sense will help you live life in perfect health.

Capricorn Sun Pisces Rising Career

According to┬аCareer Prediction,┬аyou┬аare able to work perfectly in a small team performing the same tasks. If you wish, you will achieve a good position and fame in the world of art, science, and literature, and your work will be successful. You are very active and have many aspirations, which are fulfilled in two out of three cases. You will achieve prosperity through your efforts, relatives' places, and travel. You are capable of a lot, and there will be two classes in your life. You will undertake distant business trips and you should pay special attention to your health when you are abroad.

If you need to mark your daily business life with habits and principles, you also know how to give free rein to your creativity. To feel good in an activity, you need passion, identity, and harmony, thus, you cannot work in a stressful and boring context. Your lack of confidence means that you need to feel supported and helped. Your curiosity and your thirst for knowledge allow you to be open to many horizons, and you do not hesitate to go off the beaten path and take "calculated" risks.


If you pay more attention to your personal or professional life, you will achieve remarkable success. The fact is that you are a confirmed alcoholic, but you reject with indignation people's cautious assumptions that you have a problem with alcohol. If you look around you, you will realize that there are many more joys in life than looking into a bottle. Undoubtedly, relatives think that you are a terrible person, but among other people, unfortunately, you cause only laughter. But when alcohol saps your strength, you'll realize it's no longer fun. If you want to know more about Capricorn Sun Pisces rising then talk to astrology.

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