Cancer Decans: Discovering Appearance and Types
Cancer is the fourth sign in the zodiac and begins with the summer solstice. Cancer is the most feminine and matriarchal of all the signs of the zodiac, and Cancerians display traditionally feminine traits of warmth, kindness, caring, and compassion. Cancer is represented by the crab and comes under the influence of the Moon.
Cancer is a water sign and hence Cancerians are very emotional, sensitive, and often psychic. Add to this the mystical and mystical powers of the Moon and you have a recipe for strong emotions, spontaneity, and psychic ability.
What are the 3 types of Cancer?
Cancer Decan 1┬а- June 22nd - July 1st
Cancer Decan 2┬а- July 2nd - July 12th
Cancer Decan 3┬а- July 13th - July 22nd
First Decan Cancer
Cancer Decan 1 is certainly the most typical. Much of what was covered previously applies perfectly, but there is more. As this decan pertains to the outer self, you know very well that the only thing that is certain in life is change. In fact, you can often feel like you wake up in a completely different world every day. These ten degrees can be accurately described as a "rollercoaster" decan, as your life can soar to exciting peaks and plummet to the bottom very quickly, without notice or warning.
Moon is ruler and sub-ruler and hence First Decan Cancer is very receptive and sensitive towards other people. With Moon in Cancer, they are always seen churning inside. When we examine the power of the Moon we begin to understand the kind of influence Cancer is capable of exerting on others. Cancer 1st Decan Emotions run to the extreme. When they are excited about something, it seems like they are running at a thousand rpm. Cancers make wonderful friends as long as they feel loyalty from those they invite into their cozy, warm homes.
Only those who live with First Decan Cancer day-in-day-out can fully appreciate their depth and diversity. The reason for the diversity of their emotional palette is their sensitivity. Empathy, Cancer - Cancer is quick to catch the feelings of others. In relationships, Cancer seeks harmony and security. They do not like quarrels and estrangement and any kind of emotional disturbance disturbs them. Cancers will be best suited for people who can be trusted to keep things in good working condition and provide comfort and security.
The most successful are First Decan Cancers who are able to put their imagination to work in creative ways and who can share their vision of the world with others. Cancers see deeply into human nature, and their vision and guidance are often sought. They would make an excellent teacher or coach. Cancerians take pride in doing their homework on given subjects and when their research is thorough, it can yield positive results.
Second Decan Cancer
Second Decan Cancer Its subtle sub-influences can create some interesting differences. It adds more willpower, which enables you to persevere longer to fully realize the benefits and rewards you have set in your mind. You're certainly not as potentially "Rolling Stone" as the first-Decan person. You can be a bit over-secretive and may be perceived by others as somewhat mysterious or not easy to get to know or understand.
When you combine the churning influence of the Moon with the outward, aggressive drive of Mars, we find ourselves with a Cancer that will always make a big splash. Some authorities consider the zodiac co-ruler; In fact, some astrologers take the position that the Moon is the sole ruler of the zodiac. Pluto was first discovered in the 1930s. Pluto's influence on a person's personality is relatively weak and distracts observers from seeing the essence of their heartbeat. It will be the active aggression of Mars, the driving positive force inside Cancer.
Cancer Decan 2 only needs to believe in its positive potential. With their mysterious Moon changes, and some attention to that Mars drive, their sensitivity can only increase their effectiveness. Scorpios are planners and planners by nature. Most Cancerians love to eat and this Deccan is no exception. What sets Cancer apart is its love of grand displays of food. Cancer decan 2nd may appear quite normal and common in the working world, but they are attracted to the unusual and the bizarre.
Second Deccan Cancer can be a lot of fun for close friends, who can find them sensitive, considerate and caring. Cancers share their lives best with others who also value privacy. Cancers in relationships are the opposite, passionate, emotional, and sometimes possessive. Interacting with friends gives them an opportunity to share their wild side and fulfill some of their unconscious fantasies. Of all the Cancer signs, Cancer is the one most interested in the mysterious and unseen. Cancer People are attracted to Cancer's sensitivity and often confide in him their secrets.
Third Decan Cancer
Cancer Decan 3 can clearly add to everyday creativity and imagination, as it can be useful in the general creative process. You can use this to your advantage as it gives you the ability to choose and decorate your environment as well as employ your good taste in wardrobe and makeup. You can be a good interior decorator, window dresser, gardener, or landscape artist. You can also master the paintbrush, musical instrument, sewing machine, or sculptor's clay
The Moon, the ruler of Third Decan Cancer, often creates a character who literally begins to change in front of others. Many Cancers change their appearance or clothing style on a regular basis. Cancer's adaptability to different types of people is one of the secrets of its success. Kirk the Third Deacon knows how to wait, watch, and listen.
At work or at home, Cancers usually exercise a powerful force behind the scenes or as team members. In relationships, they would sooner be alone than enter into a questionable or unstable partnership. Cancerians will be honest with the other person from the very beginning of the relationship, rarely pretending to be something they are not. Cancerians are often required to participate in activities and have an active hand in shaping and creating whatever is going on. A Cancer will be best suited for a solid, practical partner, one who provides structure and emotional stability.
The presence of a Deccan Cancer can light up a room; An evening spent with them can sometimes be like a ride to heaven. Cancer has an open, receptive quality that is endearing. The fact that they are rarely alike makes them equally amusing as friends and acquaintances. Sharing money is equally important for Cancerians. They are exceedingly kind and although they do not like to travel far from home, they will travel the distance for someone in need. Talk to astrologers to know more about Cancer Decans.