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Can Girls Perform Rudrabhishek?

Can Girls Perform Rudrabhishek?

The worship of Mahadev Shiva, the God of Gods, fulfills the wishes of every devotee. According to ancient scriptures, this universe originated from Shivling. It is said that when there was nothing in this world, a giant Shivling appeared, which filled the entire universe with light and energy. Only after that the entire sky, stars, and planets were created.

According to religious scriptures, the first worship of Shivling was done by Brahma Dev and Vishnu ji, and the first fast was kept by Mother Adishakti Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. By the way, every creature in this world worships Shiva, because Shiva Ji is the savior of every creature. That is why he is also called Pashupatinath. But do you know that unmarried women cannot worship Shivling? Many rules have been mentioned in the scriptures and Puranas related to the worship of Shivling.


Importance Of Worship Of Shivling


In Hinduism, the worship of Shivling has been given special importance. It is believed that by worshiping Shivling, all the wishes of the devotee are fulfilled and desired results are achieved. It is believed that apart from unmarried women, touching Shivling by married women can anger Mother Parvati, due to which the worship can have the opposite result. Therefore, it is said that women should worship only in the form of Shiva's idol.


Why Can't Women Touch Shivling?


Women should not make some mistakes while worshiping Shivling, otherwise, the worship is not considered successful and the person may have to suffer the opposite consequences. According to the scriptures, Shivling is a symbol of power and only a married husband-wife or a man can touch Shivling. Therefore, if you are going to worship Shivling, then keep in mind that only a man has to touch Shivling.

It is forbidden to touch the holy Shivling directly. If a woman wants to touch the Shivling to apply tilak, then first she touches the water of the Shivling and bows down. Then she can touch the Shivling.


What Is The Reason Behind This?


Unmarried women are prohibited from touching it. It is said that Lord Shiva is the most pious and is always immersed in meditation. During Lord Shankar's meditation, care was taken that no goddess or apsara should disturb the Lord's meditation. Therefore, virgin girls are prohibited from touching the Shivling. It is believed that an unintentional mistake with the Shivling is auspicious for you, due to which unmarried women are prohibited from touching the Shivling. It is considered inappropriate to disturb the penance of Lord Shiva, therefore, in the scriptures, unmarried women are prohibited from touching the Shivling.


Women Should Worship Shivling in Nandi Mudra


Often people touch Shivling during worship. In astrology, Shivling is considered a male element. In such a situation, its touch is considered forbidden for women. However, women who want to touch the Shivalinga out of devotion should touch it only in Nandi Mudra.


What is Nandi Mudra?


In astrology, Nandi Mudra is the one in which one sits like Nandi Ji. In this posture, the first and last fingers are kept straight, while the middle two fingers are joined with the thumb. By worshipping Lord Shiva in this posture, he becomes extremely happy.

Also, all the obstacles of life are eliminated. Every wish asked in this state is fulfilled by the grace of Lord Shiva. Therefore, women should worship in this posture.


Girls Perform Rudrabhishek


Unmarried girls should not touch Shivling. According to some opinions, women have the right to do Jalabhishek on Shivling from above, but not to touch it. It is believed that Shiva mostly remains in meditation, if women touch Shivling, then his meditation is disturbed and he becomes angry. If women touch Shivling and worship, then Aadishakti Jagat Janani Swaroopa goddess Parvati becomes angry and the desired result is not achieved.


It is very good to do Jalabhishek or Rudrabhishek of Shivling in Sawan. There is a religious belief that by worshipping Shivling and doing Jalabhishek, all the wishes of the devotee are fulfilled. By worshipping Lord Shiva in this month, all the troubles are removed and Lord Bholenath blesses the devotee with happiness, prosperity, and position. But if mistakes are made during Shivling worship, Lord Shiva and Parvati also get angry. If you also want to know the method of Shivling worship, then you can talk to astrologers.

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