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Breakup Astrology - Reason For Breakup In Kundali

Breakup Astrology - Reason For Breakup In Kundali

The best feeling in the world is when you love someone but slowly the situation changes and things are not as they should be. Small things lead to fights, misunderstandings, arguments, and later breakups again. Two lovers are suddenly separated. According to astrology, if a breakup happens between two loving people, then you are not necessarily responsible for it. Sometimes by changing the position of a planet-constellation in the horoscope, a small thing brings the relationship to breakup. Let us know which planetary defects are there in the horoscope, due to which the loving heart suddenly breaksтАж


Breakup Happens Due To This Position In The Kundali


is afflicted in the Kundali, then such people love but prove unsuccessful in taking that love to marriage. Even after hard efforts, such lovers do not get success in a love marriage. Such situations lead to a breakup between two lovers.


Debate Happens Due To This Position In The Kundali


If the 5th lord and 7th lord are located in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house in the birth chart, then there is success in love affairs but they are not completely successful. Due to the formation of such situations, arguments or debates start between the two, and in the end, there is a breakup.


Cheated In Love Happens Due To This Position In The Kundali


If both fifth and seventh lords are afflicted in the horoscope and do not look at their feelings, then such a person gets cheated and unsuccessful in love. On the other hand, if any of the planets out of Mars, Sun and Saturn are in exalted sign, then from the exalted sign, their vision falls on the fifth house and seventh house, then it is not good for love partners. This position in the horoscope causes a breakup.


Love Life Does Not Become Successful Due To This Situation In The Kundali


Astrology If Venus is afflicted by being the seventh lord in a person's horoscope, then such a person does not get success in his love life. The love of such people is one-sided and they cannot live in a serious relationship. On the other hand, if Rahu and Ketu affect the lord of the fifth house, then there is a very bad breakup of good relations.


In This Situation Problems Start


If there is a combination of Rahu, Ketu, and Moon in the Kundali, then problems start coming in love life. Because of the moon, thoughts start changing and everything becomes a mountain of mustard seeds. In such a situation, breakup happens very quickly. On the other hand, if the moon is in a weak state in the sixth, eighth, and 12th house in the horoscope, then in such a situation also breakup takes place.


According to astrology, just as planetary positions are responsible for falling in love, similarly certain conditions are also responsible for failure or infidelity in love. In this way, there is a breakup between two lovers. You should talk to astrology to know the reason for the breakup in the horoscope.

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