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What Is Brahma Muhurta? Benefits Of Getting Up In Brahma Muhurat

What Is Brahma Muhurta? Benefits Of Getting Up In Brahma Muhurat

Brahma Muhurat is considered very important in the Vedas. It has been told in the scriptures that by giving up sleep in Brahma Muhurat, one gets knowledge, intelligence, health, and strength. It is considered very good to start any work in Brahma Muhurat.

Our sages and astrologers have told us the special importance of Brahma Muhurta. Gold is considered taboo in Brahma Muhurta. Brahma Muhurta is the best time to leave sleep. Waking up in Brahma Muhurta brings strength, beauty, intelligence, and health. Starting the routine in Brahma Muhurta leads to a peaceful day. At this time, there is positive energy in the environment and the work done at this time is successful.┬а



Importance of Brahma Muhurta


Brahma Muhurta is considered to be the best time because, in mythological times, sages considered this time to be the right time to meditate. Worship done at this time gives quick results. Temple doors open during Brahma Muhurta. Sleeping at this time destroys the qualities of Brahma Muhurta, so sleeping at this time is prohibited.


When Does Brahma Muhurta Start?


According to the scriptures, the time just before sunrise is the time of Brahma Muhurat. Brahma Muhurat is the 14th Muhurat period of the night. A muhurta is 48 minutes duration and consists of 15 Muhurat throughout the night. The timing of sunrise varies every day according to the geographical location and time of year and the timing of Brahma Muhurat varies with it.



Benefits of getting up in Brahma Muhurta


  • It has been told in the scriptures that at the time of Brahma Muhurta, gods and ancestors are seated in the house, and due to this there is happiness in the house and family.

  • The practice of meditation in Brahma Muhurat is considered very beneficial for self-contemplation and learning.

  • Waking up at this time increases physical and mental strength. Along with this, many problems like stress, anxiety, and insomnia get rid of.

  • The atmosphere is clean during Brahma Muhurat. During this, the health of the person remains healthy by doing yoga or walking.

  • It has been told in the scriptures that the prayer of this time is heard even to God. Therefore, Brahma Muhurat time is considered best for worship.



What Not To Do In Brahma Muhurat?



At this time, negative emotions should not be brought into the mind, otherwise, you are stressed throughout the day. Due to this, you may suffer mentally.

Some people start drinking tea for breakfast as soon as they wake up in the morning, this habit is very bad. One should not eat food even after getting up in the morning or during the Brahma Muhurat. This brings disease.


Brahma Muhurta is the last part of the night when the night is about to end and the day is about to begin. Brahma means God and Muhurta means time. To know more about Brahma Muhurta, talk to astrologers.

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