Know About Bhav Chalit Kundali
While analyzing the Kundali in astrology, if the houses of all the planetjustifys in the horoscope are not considered from the moving horoscope, then your entire prediction may be wrong. In Kundali's analysis, most people start telling the results of the respective house of that planet only after seeing the position of the planets in the birth chart.
What is Chalit Kundali
The position of the planets in Kundali is considered only by 'Bhav Chalit Kundali'. Many times the yogas and doshas which are seen forming in the birth chart are dissolved in the 'Bhav Chalit Kundali' and many times the Conjunction of planets visible in the birth chart gets dissolved in the 'Bhav Chalit Kundali'.
How to Make Bhav Chalit Kundali
To make a Bhava Chalit Kundli, we need the details of the 'Janam Kundali' and the parts of all the planets.
Description of the degrees of planets
Lagna - 05°-16'-20" Sun - 21°-13'-45"
Moon - 04°-03'-13" Mars - 01°-25'-33"
Mercury - 27°-23'-05" Jupiter - 22°-03'-23"
Venus - 14°-37'-29" Saturn - 09°-28'-43"
Rahu - 18°-03'-57" Ketu - 18°-03'-57"
Bhav of Kundali
While analyzing the Kundali, we see the position of the planets in the birth chart, in which house a planet is sitting in the Kundali. Most people start considering the house of a planet in the Kundali from the birth chart itself, but the house of the planet should be considered from the Bhav Chalit Kundali.
Bhav of Planetary Conjunction
If any 2, 3, or 4 planets are sitting in conjunction in the birth chart and any of those planetary houses move to the next or previous house in the horoscope, then its conjunction with other planets is disturbed. For example, in a birth chart, Mercury, Ketu, and Sun are sitting in conjunction in the first house, and Mercury and the Sun planets have moved to the next house in the Chalit Kundali. Then the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury will be disturbed by Ketu. If the fractional distance of any two planets is less than 8 degrees, then their conjunction should be considered even if the house changes.
Manglik Yoga in Bhav Chalit Kundali
If Manglik Yoga or any other yoga is being formed in the Kundali of a person and the house gets disturbed in the Bhav Chalit Kundali, then it should be considered as breached. Because yogas are always formed by the combination of planets and planets and it is necessary to consider the house from the Bhav Chalit Kundali. When a planet breaks its conjunction with any planet or changes its house in the Kundali, then yoga is also disturbed. If any yoga is being formed in a birth chart, then that yoga remains intact even in the current Kundali, then only that yoga should be accepted.
Dissolution of Doshas in "Bhav Chalit Kundali"
If the yogas formed in the birth chart are disturbed in the Chalit Kundali, similarly if the defects formed in the birth chart, if the house is disturbed in the Kundali, then it should be explained as being broken. For example, if the conjunction of Saturn and Moon in the birth chart results in the formation of poison yoga and if the conjunction of Saturn and Moon is disturbed in the "Bhav Chalit Kundali", then that defect should be considered as a breach. Similarly, if a planet is visible in the eighth house in the birth chart and in the "Bhava Chalit Kundali" that planet moves to the ninth house or the seventh house, then the dosha of that planet gets eliminated.
A person's life can also be known from the Bhav Chalit Kundali. If you want an accurate solution to the problems facing your life, then you can talk to Astrologer.