August Virgo vs September Virgo Born Personality
There are astrological reasons why people with the same zodiac sign can be wildly different from each other, and it's mainly because the sun sign is just one piece of the birth chart. People born between the 23rd of August and to 22nd of September will be Virgo. Those born between August 23 and September 22 share basic Virgo traits, but they change in the way they communicate, express themselves, behave in relationships, process their emotions, and pursue their goals, they can easily have wide variations.
August vs September Virgo
Mercury, the co-ruling planet of the first decade of Virgo, influences the way Virgo energy is expressed. The first decan is completely ruled by Mercury, so they usually have the most classic Virgo traits. August Born Virgos often embody the stereotypical strengths and weaknesses associated with Virgo energy such as being helpful, detail-oriented, practical, thorough, and organized.
Difference Between August Virgo And September Virgo
Most Virgo people born during September are in either the second or third decade of Virgo, co-ruled by Saturn or Venus. Both the planets Saturn and Venus bring more money-driven and materialistically focused energy to Virgo, so if you're a September Virgo, build your wealth, and use your work ethic to achieve great things. And flaunting your status seems more meaningful to you than to August Virgos.
August Virgo And September Virgo Compatibility
As an eccentric Earth sign ruled by Mercury, all Virgos are blessed with a strong sense of practicality but August Virgos approach life with an even more rational mind and analytical edge. The first decan August Virgos are blessed with serving astute and mental influence of Mercury, making them the most logical and intellectual of August Virgos. They are great at making thorough plans, expressing their ideas in an organized way, and catching typos.
August Virgo vs September Virgo Personality
All September Born Virgo people are known to be very observant and sharp-sighted when it comes to details. But for third decan Virgos, co-ruled by the artistic planet Venus, this keenness is especially strong when it comes to aesthetics. September Virgos are front-runners with a knack for bringing more beauty to the world around them through their organizational skills. The September Virgo nature is expressed in more stylistic ways such as through an artfully refined fashion sense or thoughtfully designed home decor.
August Virgo Personality
August Virgos are naturally adaptable and have an inherent sense of change. But since 1st Deccan Virgos are completely ruled by the quick-thinking planet Mercury, they tend to be more flexible than the rest of Virgo. August Virgos know how to go with the flow and it is easy for them to change gears rapidly if circumstances turn at once.
September Virgo Personality
September Virgos have a reputation for being critical and perfectionist, and this is mostly because they have high expectations of themselves and want to be of honest service to others. But for second decan Virgos co-ruled by the strict planet Saturn, the quest for self-improvement can feel even more weighty. September Virgos are determined and action-oriented, so they can be extra hard on themselves if they don't reach their goals or live up to their standards. People of September Virgo make more mistakes.
The people of the August Virgo zodiac are mostly lean and thin. The people of the August Virgo zodiac are energetic and playful in nature. They look younger than their age. The people of the September Virgo zodiac are intelligent and clever. The speech of the people of September Virgo is attractive. The people of this zodiac have a special attraction to collect money. Talk to astrology to know more about August Virgo and September Virgo.