August Birthstone - Sardonyx Birthstone
The month of August falls in Leo and its lord is considered to be Sun God. People born in the month of August are very stingy by nature. This nature of theirs makes them rich. Those born in this month are intelligent. On the strength of your intellect, you leave a different impact on society. You get to see a lot of activism in the works of the goodness of society. However, your selfishness is hidden in the works of goodness. You are a number one miser. Don't believe in making more friends. You have no contribution to this, that is, you are never able to maintain a friendship with yourself. Your talent is not the answer. Those born in this month make their mark in art, literature, and various creative genres.
August Gemstone - Sardonyx Gemstones
The lucky gem of these people i.e. Lucky Birth Stone sardonyx has been considered. It is a gemstone similar to the color of the coral. Since time immemorial, this gem has been considered a successful lecturer, successful speaker, orator, quick to make rich, and bestowing ability. Those born in the month of August have been considered as Leo zodiac. In western astrology also Sun is considered to be the lord of this zodiac. The lucky gem of the people of this zodiac is "Dopopa" (sardonyx).┬а
August Birthstone Color┬а
Sardonyx is primarily light green in nature, but yellow stones have also been found. The intensity of peridot's color depends on the amount of iron ore present in the stone. The more iron present, the more unique and more valuable the gemstone.
This stone makes the relationship between man and woman sweet. Wearing it, man keeps himself in control. Wearing it gives great success to a person becoming an actor in stage and drama. With the help of this gem, people get huge successes in the field of education, making effective statements, and also in the field of law. To make your married life happy, keep this gem with you. In ancient times, people were of the opinion that the effect of the sting of poisonous animals ends due to this gem.
August Birthstone Meaning
Since ancient times, the Romans used to wear a picture of Hercules (the god of bravery) on this stone. So that the wearer becomes brave and courageous. Those people were of the opinion that snakes and other venomous creatures, and animals do not bite by wearing this gem, and even if bitten, they do not have a toxic effect. The ability to avoid many types of infections, diseases, and germs also resides in this gem. This gem was also worn to protect against highly contagious diseases like the plague. This stone gives quick relief to pains. People of ancient Roman and other civilizations were of the opinion that by wearing this gem around the neck, people show special interest in making friends with the person wearing this gemstone.
If you were born in the month of August of any year then you can wear Sardonyx Gemstones. If you want to know more about which gemstone should be worn by those born in the month of August, then you can know by consulting astrologers.