Astrological Yoga Of Black Magic
Negative Tantra-Mantra is adopted by those people who are jealous of others' success. In such people, negativity, jealousy, greed, despair, and frustration take such deep roots that they are unable to accept the success, progress, and prosperity of others, and through black magic, they take revenge on that person by creating trouble for him and feeling pleasure. Black magic is used to harm or hurt another person through some specific actions. The effect of this sadhana can be seen even on a person sitting thousands of miles away.
In religious scriptures, black magic is also called Abhichar, that is, such tantra-mantra by which negative powers are awakened. The main purpose of black magic i.e. negative tantra-mantra is to drive a person away from that place, harass him, or use him by controlling him or destroying him. Some of the common symptoms of a person suffering from black magic i.e. negative tantra-mantra are mental blockage, heaviness in breathing and fast walking, strain in the throat, blue marks on the thigh without any injury, quarrels or fights in the house without any particular reason, unnatural death of a family member, sudden loss in business, etc.┬а
Some other symptoms are also commonly seen like feeling heaviness in the heart, sleeplessness, illusion of someone's presence, quarrels, etc. The person remains restless and does not get peace in any way. Despair, frustration, and lack of enthusiasm are also the result of this. If the remedy for black magic is not done in time. Then it can be very destructive, terrible, and life-threatening. As a result of which the person's life can be ruined or he can suffer from some terrible disease.
Astrological Combinations Of Black Magic
Due to the extraordinary combination of planets in the horoscope. A person comes under the effect of black magic. If the Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Mars in the horoscope are afflicted by Rahu-Ketu in special houses, then only the person is affected by negative tantra-mantra. The person whose Lagna and Sun are weak is more affected by black magic. If there is eclipse yoga in the horoscope or Rahu is in a very inauspicious position or Saturn has a crooked sight or there is a conjunction of Mars-Saturn or Moon-Saturn, then also the person comes under the influence of negative powers.┬а
The position of Badhakesh in the horoscope is also important. If at this time the dasha is related to the sixth house and the sixth lord is going on and the tenth lord is situated in the lagna, the seventh, twelfth house, and Mars is related to the lagna, as well as the position of Ketu is in the fourth, first and tenth house. Mercury is related to Gulik and Mars is in the Badhak place and there is a vision relation between the two, then also the person comes under the influence of black magic. If there is such a conjunction, then the person comes under the influence of black magic.
If there is Rahu with the Moon in the lagna in the horoscope and cruel planets are present in the fifth and ninth houses. In this yoga, the person suffers from black magic. If the same situation is there in transit also, then evil spirits trouble him. If any of the planets Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, or Mars is present in the seventh house in the horoscope, then such people also remain troubled by evil spirits. If there is a combination of Saturn-Mars-Rahu in the horoscope, then also the person remains troubled by evil spirits.┬а
If these planets also come in Dasha-Antardasha in the above Yogas and these Yogas are also present in transit, then understand that the person is troubled by this problem. If there is Moon's Antardasha in Rahu's Mahadasha and Moon Dashpati is weak in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house from Rahu. Then the person suffers from black magic.
Black magic has been a subject of interest and concern for people for centuries. Although there are doubts about its existence. But many accounts and ancient texts. Including the Vedas, suggest that black magic can be real.┬а It involves the use of supernatural powers to influence and harm people. We will try to find out how to identify it, and what are the symptoms associated with it in astrology. Also, we will look at effective home remedies contained in the Vedas and Hindu rituals to remove black magic. Also, ways to identify potential culprits and necessary precautions to avoid its effects.┬аIf you want to know more about Astrological yoga of Black Magic then talk to astrologers.