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Astrological Remedies To Convert Bad Luck Into Good Luck

Astrological Remedies To Convert Bad Luck Into Good Luck

If we do not get success in our life or have to face only sorrows then we consider ourselves very bad in terms of luck. In such a situation, we also leave all kinds of expectations. After repeated failures, there comes a time when we stop even trying. However, many times such situations arise due to defects in our horoscope. On which our attention never goes away and we spend the time cursing ourselves.

According to astrology, if there is a defect in a person's horoscope, the luck starts getting bad. In such a situation, you can make your life happy with some measures. Some such works have been described in the scriptures, if you do them, you get benefits. With progress in life, all tasks get completed and luck also starts shining. Let us tell you about those measuresтАж

Astrological Measures To Convert Bad Luck Into Good Luck

Salt Remedy

According to astrology, the remedy of salt is beneficial to remove bad luck. For this throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder. Keep in mind that you should not throw salt from the right shoulder, it brings more bad luck. That's why if you want, add two spoons of salt to your bath water and then take a bath. In this way, you can get rid of bad luck. Apart from this, also wipe with salt water in your house. In this way, all the negative energy in your house will be removed.

Harness The Power Of Light

Often people keep their houses dark to save electricity. However, the power of light has been considered of great importance in Hinduism. The more the house shines with light, the more positive energy remains. Darkness in the house leads to negative energy and poverty. In such a situation, no member of the house gets success. If you cannot light the house for the whole day, then at least illuminate every corner of the house with a light in the evening and early morning. Apart from electric lights, candles, lanterns, etc. can be used for lighting.

Work In Another City Or Country

According to astrology, progress is not achieved in some person's horoscope by staying in his place of birth, residence, state, or country. In such a situation, they are advised to stay in a country or state away from their place. It is believed that this can remove their bad luck. Apart from this, if you cannot work while staying away from your city, then travel to another country once and come back, even this can remove bad luck.


Many times in life, even after working hard, one does not get the desired result. Because of this many times, people start cursing at their fate. Such people feel that bad luck is constantly following them. If you are also among such people, then follow these simple astrological remedies to convert bad luck into good fortune. If you want to know more about the remedy then talk to astrologers.

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