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Aquarius Dating Libra - Aquarius Man Dating Libra Woman

Aquarius Dating Libra - Aquarius Man Dating Libra Woman

According to astrologers, people are usually advised to marry people with the opposite zodiac signs. There is always more than mere compatibility in an Aquarius-Libra relationship; it is an attraction, a passionate one at that.

According to Astrology Prediction, both these signs belong to opposite hemispheres of the zodiac, so the relationship between them is either passionate or chaotic. Both are undoubtedly an interesting pair—a fiery, flirtatious spark, momentary turmoil, and a lot of excitement. Now let us see how the fluctuating personality of Water Bearer will team up with the Scales.


Aquarius and Libra Dating


When The two of them start dating, then they start the ball rolling with the couple’s intellect and passion. Aquarius takes immense pride in its mind and is entirely forward-thinking, while Libra is all about the glamour and the glitz. Libra wants attention, and Aquarius loves the spark of individuality – thus, Libra’s self-assuredness would appeal to Aquarius. For Aquarius, Libra may be overly aggressive and overly assertive in pursuing what he wants, but Libra’s passion might be enough to keep things interesting.

When it comes to dating, this pair will often experience admiration for each other’s disparities. Libra also has a friendly personality and Aquarius appreciates it although she is usually not very friendly. Libra enjoys the gallantry of the Water Bearer and, on the other hand, the Aquarius is fascinated by the rebel liveness of Libra. Sometimes they may argue, but the chemistry on and off the screen is simply striking.


Aquarius Libra Compatibility


Overall, compatibility between this pair is rather counterintuitive. Libra’s are governed by Venus and therefore they are always full of light, and have a bold personality and a lively nature; on the other hand, Aquarius are governed by Saturn and Uranus so there are aspects of discipline and then change. But, at first sight, it appears quite an unobvious pair. Libra loves order loyalty and reciprocal service for which he will be appreciated, while Aquarius enjoys freedom and highly values intellect.

However, quite unexpectedly, these two can complement each other. Libra loves to bring light to Aquarius’s obscure nature, while, in return, Aquarius enables Libra to perceive the larger picture. 


Aquarius Man Dating Libra Woman


In a relationship between an Aquarius man and a Libra woman, one is guaranteed full-blown romance and chemistry. The Aquarius man who is very liberal in his approach and has a very powerful and definite single-mindedness may feel a little confused at the start with the Libra woman who seeks compliments. But he’s mesmerized by her elegance, charm, and confidence. On the other hand, the Libra woman is attracted by the freedom that the Aquarius man possesses. She is fascinated by his mind, his ambitions, and his rebellious spirit.


Aquarius and Libra in Love


In love, for Aquarius and Libra, it can be exciting as if they are on an adventurous trip. Libra contributed passion, faithfulness, and dedication and Aquarius represents innovations, people’s love for change, and of course, freedom. Libra could get a feeling that Aquarius seems aloof but if they are open and accept each other the way they are, they will be able to share a lovely unique kind of love.

Aquarius always fosters Libra to accept the change, and on the other side, Libra always introduces Aquarius to the feeling of passion and loyalty. Libra’s approach to love is tender and pure, allowing an Aquarius to experience a type of connection they may have never imagined before. When in tune, this relationship is filled with lots of vigor and enthusiasm. The biggest secret in a romantic relationship is to allow each other to grow individually and provide time for the development of individuality.


In a love marriage astrology, Aquarius and Libra pairing may look unlikely but the combination if given proper care will be perfect. They both complement each other where the other fails, making for a rather exciting love affair of brains and heart. Libra is the caring, loving partner, while Aquarius stays the reserved, logical counterpart. Altogether they could have an exciting, stimulating relationship that is of the dramatic type.

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