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Adhi Yoga - As per Astrology

Adhi Yoga - As per Astrology

Adhi yoga is a powerful combination in astrology that cannot be ignored. The dasha or antardasha of the planets forming the yoga is the result of this combination. Adhi Yoga is a Vedic combination that is formed in a horoscope when the three auspicious planets Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are present in the 6th, 7th, or 8th house from the Moon. Two contexts need to be considered for this yoga. This yoga can be understood using the Lagna and the Moon in the birth chart.

If a planet is in the 6th, 7th, or 8th house from the Lagna then this yoga is called Lagnadhi yoga. When the planets are in the 6th, 7th, or 8th house from the Moon then this yoga is known as Chandradhi yoga. According to the strength of the planets, Adhi yoga present in a personтАЩs horoscope claims to make the person a king, minister or general. The native who inherits this yoga is healthy, powerful, and wealthy. He will not have any disease, enemies, or fear.

Adhi Yoga in Astrology

It develops the person's manners, credibility, wealth, and war skills. If one planet is fully active in any one of these signs then the person becomes a leader. He will be a minister and if there are three then he will have a prominent position in the society. If all the three weakly placed benefits are in the above three signs then there will be benefits of Adhi Yoga but its effect will be extremely less. Adhi Yoga in Astrology can be compared to Raj Yoga or something similar. The strength of the planet affects the results of the Yoga.

How is Adhi Yoga formed in a birth chart?

The Vedic combination known as Adhi Yoga in Vedic astrology is formed when Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are placed in the sixth, seventh, or eighth house of the Moon respectively. It improves the lifestyle of the natives and provides stability. It significantly increases charity and friendship. Adhi Yoga is formed when the planets are placed six, seven, and eight houses away from the Lagna, Ascendant (first house), or Moon. There are three main types of Adhi Yoga in astrology which can be applied to Lagna, Moon, and Sun charts.

Lagna Adhi Yoga

When auspicious planets like Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Moon are placed in the sixth, seventh, and eighth houses, Lagna Yoga is formed. This means that the auspicious planets should be in the sixth, seventh, and eighth houses. The person practicing this yoga will have all the benefits, facilities, and wealth of life available to him. He will live a luxurious life, free from illness, equal to that of a king.

Chandra Adhi Yoga

Adhi Yoga is relevant in the Moon chart as well. Check your Moon chart to see if there are any auspicious planets in the sixth, seventh, or eighth house of your birth chart. Whichever it is, your Moon chart has created Chandra Adhi Yoga in the horoscope. Chandra Adhi Yoga as it appears in the birth chart has the same benefits as Adhi Yoga. The person will also live like a king, enjoy all the pleasures of prosperity, and lead a prosperous, joyful, and peaceful life.

Surya Adhi Yoga

You can look at your Sun chart, or you can do the math by hand. Consider the Sun in the first house, no matter where it appears in your birth chart. If benefic planets are also present in the sixth, seventh, and eighth houses, you will have Surya Adhi Yoga in your solar chart.

Why is Adhi Yoga considered a Maha Raj Yoga?

The sixth house and the eighth house are referred to as "dushtan" or evil houses in Vedic astrology. These buildings are associated with illness, debt, and death. Mercury is not ideally placed for good planets, even if it has planets like Jupiter near it. Unfavorable planets like Rahu/Ketu, Sun, and Mars flourish in the sixth and eighth houses. Venus in the seventh house is also not considered a desirable placement as it devalues the house.

Adhi Yoga Astrology Benefits

Depending on the position of the auspicious planets in the horoscope, Adhi Yoga provides many beneficial benefits.

  • If the auspicious planets are placed in the sixth house, the native is considered to be victorious over enemies. Yet, he does not suffer from any serious illness.

  • Such a native moves ahead among powerful people.

  • When the auspicious planets are in the seventh house, the native experiences marital happiness.

  • He lives a life free from duties, pain, and accidents.

  • When the benefits are in the eighth house, the native gets recognition and fame. He gets a lot of wealth and prestige here too.

  • Natives with Adhi Yoga are intelligent and have a good chance of becoming scholars. He can train to become a leader or a soldier.

  • The native is strong and courageous due to the presence of Adhi Yoga in the birth chart.


Adhi Yoga is formed when the Moon combines with Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus. You try to fulfill your desires and goals easily. You can progress rapidly and develop philanthropic tendencies. It gives you enough power to win against enemies and other opponents. You can also experience marital happiness and a peaceful family life. If you want to know more about Adhi Yoga then talk to astrologers.

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