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11th House Lord In 2nd House - Love, Marriage & Spouse Appearance

11th House Lord In 2nd House - Love, Marriage & Spouse Appearance

The 2nd house and 11th house are directly related to money or wealth as the 2nd house is the wealth house and the 11th house is the profit house. So the lord of the 11th house in the second house is indicating a best Dhanayoga. Hence the person can earn good money. Sources of income depend on the nature and characteristics of the planet and zodiac sign. It may also indicate that the native may receive benefits through the banking system or treasury.

It is also possible that the person may benefit from his friend circle. It may also be possible that the person may gain profit from his speech or the person may be able to earn through his speech, hence it may be possible that the person may be a naturally profitable salesperson. The person may become famous in his family or circle.

11th Lord In 2nd House Marriage

As per Marriage Prediction, these people may get married at an early age, but due to this special position of the 11th lord in the 2nd house, their marriage will bring luck, abundance, and prosperity to the lives of these people. The 11th lord in the 2nd house will give a highly enjoyable and deep relationship with the spouse but marital life may remain short for some people due to accident, illness, or unexpected incident.

11th Lord In 2nd House Love Marriage

As per Love Marriage Astrology, the love life of the person with this special placement will be full of ups and downs but there will also be a possibility of love marriage for the person. The native may suffer from heartbreak and detachment or separation in the teenage years of life but may find true love before or after marriage.

The person will have to face opposite emotions in his love life, sometimes filled with happiness and sometimes filled with sadness and separation. These people will usually fall in love more than once or twice in life but will go through some troubles and sadness in a romantic life. Love life will give satisfaction and disappointment at some point in life.

11th Lord In 2nd House Spouse Appearance

The 11th lord in the 2nd house will give a very supportive, ambitious, and influential life partner who will bring good changes and transformation in the life of the native. Both love marriage and arranged marriage will be full of happiness and comfort for the person. There may be a separation in married life due to some misfortune or some unwanted situation or incident.

Positive Effects of Eleventh House Lord In Second House

The 11th and 2nd houses are 4th-tenth from each other and when the lord of the 11th house is situated in the 2nd house it creates a 4th-10th relationship which is considered good. The 11th house is a Kama angle and desire house and it is situated in a powerful Artha angle which is the strongest wealth house. Hence the lord of desires is situated in the house of wealth indicating that the native may be able to fulfill all his material desires. Hence the person can get good material happiness.

Negative Effects of Eleventh House Lord In Second House

The second house is a Maraka house and the lord of the eleventh house is also not considered good for health, so if the lord of the eleventh house is situated in the second house then it can cause health problems. If the lord of the 11th house is not in a good position in the 2nd house then it may lead to polygamy or multiple relationships. It is also possible that the person may receive property like charity or dowry through marriage.

11th Lord 2nd In House Navamsa

Lord of the 11th house is in the 2nd house in the Navamsa Chart indicating that the native may be good-looking and have an attractive face and voice. The person may be able to fulfill his desires through his charming image and attractive voice. Hence the native can naturally be a public relations manager as the 11th house is also of a friend circle and it is situated in the 4th from its own house hence the native can enjoy friendship through his facial charm and speech.


The 11th house belongs to the elders so the lord of the 11th house is in the 2nd house indicating that the native's elders may also be happy and the native may get financial benefits through his elders. The person may have good relations with his elders. When the lord of the second house is in the second house with the lord of the eleventh house then it is a very good Dhanayoga. The person can earn a lot of money. He may have a very good circle of friends and is a very attractive person, he is a famous person. All their wishes can be fulfilled. If you want to know more about the effect of the 11th lord in the 2nd house, then talk to astrologers.

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