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Vastu Tips To Avoid Office Politics

Vastu Tips To Avoid Office Politics

Despite doing better work with hard work, if you are also falling prey to politics in your office or workplace, Vastu-based measures can be taken to avoid them. Here are some Vastu Tips to avoid Office Politics.

Vastu Tips To Avoid Office Politics

  • While working in the office, do not sit with your back towards the door or window, otherwise, you will become a victim of backbiting and have quarrels with your superiors, staff, and colleagues. If there is a window behind your back, keep it closed. Also never sit under the beam.

  • Sit in the southwest corner of your cabin. Keep the computer monitor in the southeast or northwest direction. But remember that while working on the computer, your face should be in the east or north direction.

  • Never leave the southwest corner of your cabin or cubicle empty. Keep a file cabinet or a plant there.

  • Hang a picture of mountains or skyscrapers on the wall behind you for stability in the office.

  • Lastly, one of the easiest ways to improve the surrounding environment is to keep fresh flowers and plants in the office as they instantly cheer up the office environment.

  • Hang a picture of mountains or skyscrapers on your back wall for stability.

Don't Let Yourself Be Part Of A Group

Many groups are often formed in the same team in the office. These groups start gossiping against each other. As a result, an atmosphere like a cold war is created. That's why you avoid this factionalism. Take your decisions with your mind and your discretion. No matter which group the person belongs to, you should treat him the same way you treat everyone.

Do Not Harm Anyone

If you are dissatisfied with a colleague, then talk to him. Talking bad about him behind his back will spoil the situation and spoil the atmosphere. Instead of gossiping, focus on your work. Always have a sense of cooperation towards the colleague with whom you have differences.

Be Professional

Follow the rules of the workplace. Do not leave any gap in it. Be disciplined. If you leave any gap in yourself, then you will have to make excuses or flatter someone to fill it. There is nothing wrong with befriending colleagues, but keep some principles for it. Always keep decorum in mind while interacting with him. Be sure to take care of your position while talking to any colleague.

Stay In Touch With The Boss

Many times many employees backbite you from the boss behind your back. They keep trying to harm your image. The only way to avoid this is to keep your work complete. Give your work report to the boss and stay in touch with him. Do not give him a chance to complain and keep him in your confidence.

Keep Introspecting

Keep introspecting from time to time. Is there any shortcoming in you because of which you are becoming the subject of gossip? If you have any shortcomings, then rectify them, otherwise, you will feel that you are a victim of office politics.


Many times it happens that you are satisfied with your work in the office and the salary you are getting for that work, but you get so upset with the politics going on there that you start looking for a new job. In this environment of office politics and negative gossip, you are not able to give your 100 percent. If you also want to get more information about Vastu Tips To Avoid Office Politics, then Astrology Phone Consultation will help you.

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