Pooja Room Should Not Be In These Places
It often happens that even after all the rituals and rituals, the problems in life do not reduce. We get troubled again and again thinking that even after so much worship and charity, there are still so many problems in life. But do you know that the reason for this may not be the lack of your worship but the wrong place of the place of worship? Yes, according to┬аVastu Shastra,┬аif the house of worship is in the wrong place in someone's house, then opposite effects are seen.
Under The Stairs
Vastu Shastra says that a temple should never be built under the stairs in the house. Otherwise, problems remain in a person's life. It is said that building a temple under the stairs causes unnecessary trouble in the house. Family members also have to face mental disturbance. Apart from this, there is also a loss of money.
Next To The Bathroom
Never make a homemade worship room near the bathroom. Also, avoid building above or below the bathroom. According to Vastu, by doing this, a person has to face a lot of problems. The head of the household has to face difficulties on a daily basis. Sometimes from family members and sometimes from friends and relatives.
Escape From The Dungeon
It has been told in Vastu Shastra that a temple i.e. Pooja room should not be made in the basement. Otherwise, you don't get the fruit of worship. Rather, he keeps coming in the grip of one trouble or the other. Along with this, keep in mind the direction while worshiping that does not worship facing south.
Do Not Build A Temple In The Bedroom
According to Vastu Shastra, a temple should never be built in the bedroom. But if there is any compulsion, put curtains around the temple. Apart from this, make a place of worship in the northeast corner of the bedroom. Apart from this, take care of the color of the place of worship. According to Vastu, only white or cream color should be used in the house of worship.
Idol Care
Equally important is the place of the temple in the house. Equally important is the size of the idol placed in the temple. According to Vastu, a bitta should never be more than 8 inches. Otherwise, the head of the house is bound to suffer from the children.
Avoid Southwest Angle
According to Vastu Shastra, it is very important to have idols in the right direction in the house of worship. Keep in mind that the picture or idol of God should never be kept in the southwest corner. Doing this causes problems in every work in a person's life.
Direction Of Worship
According to Vastu, the place of worship in the northeast, the kitchen in the east and southeast, the dining room in the west, the storage room or store in the northwest, the toilet between the south and the southwest, the restroom in the southwest, the bedroom in the south, between the east and the northeast. Reception and public rooms should be constructed. On the contrary, choosing the opposite direction can be a big loss. According to Vastu Shastra, worship-bhajan-kirtan should always be in the northeast.┬а
Get This Color Paint Done In The House Of Worship
According to Vastu, the place of worship is a calm place, so its color should also be calm. That's why you can choose colors like white, yellow, light blue, and orange in the worship room.
Right Direction Of The Lamp And Incense Stick
It is considered important to light a lamp and candle in the Puja room. According to Vastu, negative energy is removed by burning incense sticks and ghee in the house. That's why keep the lamp in front of the idols in the southeast direction.
Don't Keep Such Idols
According to Vastu, keeping broken idols of Gods and Goddesses should be avoided. Because it is inauspicious and also a Vastu defect. That's why the broken idols should be immersed in running water or kept under the Peepal tree.
Vastu Shastra lays down the rules regarding the construction of a house and the location of the rooms, including the direction in which the temple should be in the house. According to Vastu Shastra, if a temple is kept in the house, it brings happiness, peace, and prosperity to the house and its occupants. To attract positive energy, a worship room should be made according to Vastu in every house. To know more about which places worship rooms should not be there, take┬аastrologer phone consultation.