Kartik Purnima Vrat Benefits and who should do it?
The Purnima tithi of Kartik Shukla paksh is considered very auspicious full Moon day of Hindu Calendar which is also knows as Tripura Purnima as we celebrate the victory of Lord Shiva over Devil Tripurasur along with birthday of Lord Kartikeya.
Kartik Purnima Date
Kartik Purnima is on Wednesday, November 5, 2025.
Purnima Tithi Start - 10:36 PM on November 04, 2025
Purnima Tithi End - 06:48 PM on November 05, 2025
Kartik Purnima Vrat Benefits
On this day, you must rise before sunrise and take a bath in Holy River nearby. This day is an occasion where you can wash off the sins of last birth. The vrat leads one to path of Artha, Dharma, Karma and Salvation.
There are certain things to be taken care of while keeping the Vrat like you should maintain celibacy. If you cannot go to Holy River to take bath, add Gangajal to your bucket. I suggest you to apply sesame oil before taking bath as it removes the Shani dosha, Pitru dosha and, Nadi dosha.
I suggest you to conduct Satyanarayana Pooja and worship Lord Shiva and Lord Kartikeya.
While conducting pooja, place idols of Lords on Baajot covered with piece of red or yellow cloth.
Light diya and incense stick.
Offer kukum, haldi, Akshat, janue, and Chandan to Lord Ganesha.
Offer Tulsi to Lord Vishnu, Billipatra to Lord Shiva and flowers to Lord Kartikey.
Read Kartik Purnima Vrat Katha and donate food and prashad.
I also suggest you to donate diyas as it pleases Goddess Lakshmi.
One more thing will bring you glory, mix mustard, sesame, barley and rice and place a coin in it, donate it after praying Lord Kartikey.
Lord Vishnu took the Matsya avtar on the evening of Kartik Purnima so you should bath in the evening and pray him to seek his blessings.
If you don't keep Purnima Vrats throughout the year, I would still suggest you to keep Vrat on this Purnima. Don't eat anything throughout the day and donate cow or calf after breaking the fast in the evening.
If you worship Lord Shiva today with Dudh Abhishek, I would say it will be equally fruitful to Vajpayee Yagna. I also advise you to recite Vishnu Sahasranam.
Stay away from anger and brutality on this day and donate as much as possible. (clothes, food, pooja samagri, silver etc)
Let me bring it to your note that fourth lunar eclipse is taking place this Kartik Purnima but you do not need to panic at all as it is just a shadow eclipse and as per my predictions, it will have no harmful effects but I suggest Libra and Taurus to be little careful.
According to my predictions, this Kartik Purnima will reap outmost benefits and so do not miss the chance of guiding yourself on spiritual path on this sacred occasion.
May Lord Ganesha and Lord Kartikeya bring you glory and bliss.