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Sun Mount Palmistry: Effect of Mount Sun on Life

Sun Mount Palmistry: Effect of Mount Sun on Life

The area below the root or root of the ring finger in the palm is called Surya Parvat or Surya Kshetra, it is located above the heart line. A person's success or failures are seen from this Sun mountain, this mountain is considered an indicator of any person's success. If a person lacks the Mount of the Sun in his hand, then such a person leads an ordinary life or it can be said that the person who lacks the mount of the Sun in his hand, lives like an anonymous person. That's why the development of Surya Parvat is considered very important for a person because, with the development of this mountain, any person becomes talented and successful.


Mount Sun Effect on Life


If this mountain is fully advanced, and developed and the aura of the mountain is pinkish in the hand of a person, then the person reaches a very high position in his life. Such a person is cheerful by nature and works closely with friends. The words of such people and their way of working become news. Such persons are also very popular among the general public. Such people are successful artists, best musicians, and successful painters. The talent inside such people is found to be innate. Such people behave honestly with each other. They keep in mind the desire to lead a luxurious life. Such people are especially good profit-takers in business and they have more than one source of income.

These people are completely physical and are quite capable of reaching the bottom of the mind of the person in front of them. If the Mount of Sun is developed in the palm of an illiterate or a person of a normal family, then that person is the best, rich, and most prosperous. They get accidental money many times in their life. The lifestyle of such people is very royal and luxurious.

Such people are clean-hearted and do not hesitate to admit their mistakes when needed. These people are rich in settled minds and in the event of not being able to tolerate their opposition, they believe in telling the other person to his face. Only people with such a sun zone reach important positions in life and have the ability to do something new.

If there is no mount of the Sun in the palm of a person, then such a person is dull-witted and foolish. If this mountain is less developed, then that person has an interest in beauty but cannot achieve complete success in it. The very best and most well-developed Sun Mount is an indicator of self-confidence, gentleness, kindness, generosity, and wealth. Such persons have a special ability to influence people in gatherings etc.

If the Mount of the Sun is more developed than necessary in the palm, then such a person is very proud and gives false praise. The friends of such people are also of the normal level. They are wasteful and quarrel over every little thing. Such people are not able to be completely successful in their life.

If the Mount of the Sun in the palm of a person is inclined towards the Mount of Saturn, then such a person is lonely and suffers from pessimistic feelings. Lack of money always remains in the life of such people. They start any work with full enthusiasm but are not able to complete the work with the same enthusiasm and leave the work in the middle and get involved in other new work.┬а

If this Mount of the Sun is inclined towards the Mount of Mercury, then the person becomes a successful businessman and extremely wealthy. Such persons are successful in achieving a respectable position in society. If the finger of the Sun is misshapen, then it brings inferiority in the qualities of the Sun. Such a person has an increased sense of revenge and does not take care while dealing with people. If there are more lines than required on the Mount of Sun, then such a person remains ill. If the tip of the sun's finger is angular and the mountain is raised, then that person takes a special interest in the field of art. If the tip of the finger is square, then such a person has practical skills and those whose tips are pointed, then such a person is an indicator of idealism.

According to palmistry, it is very important for the Sun mount to develop in the palm. If the mount of the Sun is not developed in one's hand, then the person's life is simple without fame and fame. Such people do not get much recognition. If the Sun mount is developed and pink in the hand of a person, then such a person gets a lot of respect. Such people have been seen to be skilled musicians, artists, and painters. People whose Mount of Sun develops, such people can sense the depth of a person in a moment. Even if such a person is born illiterate and in a poor family, he is successful in getting money. The life of such people is full of pride and passion.


The Sun mount is below the ring finger in the palm. In palmistry, this place has been called the place of the Sun. For example, in astrology, Sun has been described as a factor of respect, position, prestige, and government job. Similarly, palmistry can be seen by connecting Sun Mountain with fame, fame, and government job. If the Mount of the Sun is in a strong position in one's palm, then it is an indicator of success for the person. Let us know what is the meaning of the rising of Surya Parvat. If you want to know more about Surya Parvat, then go through an online Jyotish consultation.

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