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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Sun And Venus Conjunction In 7th House

Sun And Venus Conjunction In 7th House

When two planets are in close vicinity to each other in the night sky, it's called a conjunction. While a conjunction can be a stunning sight, astrologers believe that these planetary pairings can also have an effect on our lives here on Earth.

In this article, we will discuss the effects of the Sun and Venus conjunction in the 7th house. This conjunction can have both positive and negative effects on a person's life, depending on the other planetary influences in their birth chart. If this conjunction is well-expected, it can indicate success in relationships and a strong sense of personal magnetism. However, if the conjunction is poorly expected, it can indicate difficulties in relationships and a lack of self-confidence. Astrology phone consultation is the best way to find out all the negative aspects of this conjunction and is then helpful to deal with these challenges.┬а

Sun and Venus Conjunction: An overview

The Sun and Venus conjunction has happened on June 3, 2020, in the sign of Gemini. This rare event occurs when the two planets are less than one degree apart from each other. Gemini is the sign of communication, so this conjunction is all about how we express ourselves and connect with others.┬а

Some astrologers believe that the Sun and Venus conjunction can have a positive effect on our relationships. The Sun is the planet of vitality and Venus is the planet of love, so this combination can bring some extra warmth and happiness into our lives. However, because the Sun and Venus are also in the seventh house of relationships, this conjunction can also bring some challenges.┬а

The seventh house is all about one-to-one relationships, so this conjunction could create some tension in our relationships. If you're in a relationship, this is a good time to communicate openly with your partner. If you're single, this is a good time to focus on your own needs and express yourself in healthy ways.

Sun and Venus in 7th house

When Sun and Venus are in conjunction in the 7th house, the native may have a very harmonious and pleasant marriage. The native and his/her spouse may share many common interests and enjoy a mutually loving and supportive relationship. There may be a strong sense of companionship and friendship between the two. There may be a great deal of affection, romance, and sexual chemistry as well. This conjunction can also indicate financial success and abundance in the partnership.

Positive effects of Sun and Venus conjunction in 7th house

  • A conjunction of the Sun and Venus in the 7th house can have positive effects on the relationship, as it can bring about a more harmonious and balanced union.┬а

  • The couple will tend to be more affectionate and romantic with each other, and will also be more cooperative and understanding.┬а

  • This can be a very good time for the relationship, as the couple will be able to work together more effectively and enjoy each other's company more.┬а

  • There is also the potential for creative collaboration between the two, as they will be able to inspire each other to new heights.

Negative effects of Sun and Venus conjunction in the 7th house

  • The negative aspects of the Sun and Venus conjunction in the 7th house include the potential for arguments and disagreements within the relationship, as well as the potential for jealousy and possessiveness.┬а

  • If the Sun and Venus are not well-expected, this can indicate a relationship that is not fulfilling or that is full of tension.┬а

  • Additionally, the Sun and Venus conjunction in the 7th house can also indicate financial problems within the relationship.


In conclusion, the Sun and Venus conjunction in the 7th house can have a number of different effects on a person's life. It can make them more outgoing and social, or it can make them more withdrawn and introspective. It can also affect their relationships, and how they relate to others.┬а

The conjunction can also have an effect on a person's career, and how they approach their work. It can make them more ambitious, or more content to stick to a routine. It can also affect their finances, and how they manage their money. Ask one question to an expert astrologer to help in dealing with these challenges.┬а

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