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North Node Square South Node Synastry, Transit, and Natal

North Node Square South Node Synastry, Transit, and Natal

When the North Node is square South Node, these two powerful forces collide with each other. This aspect may manifest as a conflict between the old and the new, the known and the unknown, the practical and the ideal. It can bring periods of turmoil and uncertainty as well as moments of insight and change. North Node, named after the Greek god of the sky, is the planet of rebellion, innovation, and sudden change. It represents independence, individuality, and breaking stereotypes. North Node brings unexpected events that can disrupt the status quo and give rise to new perspectives. However, its energy can also bring chaos, instability, and unpredictability.

North Node South Node Square

The North Node square South Node aspect can encourage personal growth by challenging individuals to reconcile their dreams and ideals (South Node) with their desire for change and progress (North Node). This can lead individuals to question their beliefs and values, leading to profound internal changes. This aspect may inspire individuals to take unconventional paths or bring innovative ideas into traditional areas. However, it can also bring instability or sudden change that requires adaptability and flexibility.

North Node Square South Node Synastry

In the area of synastry, the square aspect between the North Node and the South Node can bring a relationship full of illusions and idealization. South Node, known for its dreamy and spiritual nature, can often create a fog of illusion, causing individuals to see their partners not as they are, but as they wish they were. This can lead to misunderstanding and disappointment when reality fails to match the ideal image.

North Node Square South Node Transit

North Node square South Node transit, a seismic explosion of technology and innovation is likely to be making its impact faster than most people realize. You may want to blunt its consequences or eliminate it. The direct and perhaps the most common way for this to happen is through drugs. The medicines may be a result of the refinement of consciousness and understanding of the physical world that parallels the contact between these two planets. The other way is through the technology itself, such as surrendering to the hypnotic magic of screens or stereo sound. But the best way to manage this aspect is to make your dreams and imaginations a reality, perhaps even by using these huge cultural developments. You don't have to keep up with the changes just as a partner or end-user. You can also become an agent of change and use your gift of personal vision to influence others.

North Node Square South Node Natal

With North Node square South Node in your Natal chart, only one generation currently exists with this birth placement. One solution to this comes from sudden advances in technology that have revolutionized the way everything happens, such as the literal explosion of nuclear energy around the 50s. Your life may center around this seismic culture shift, but there is still a need to prevent its revolutionary fallout. This will be a more pleasant, dreamy South Node pursuit of perfection and peace. This aspect perhaps also manifests as an emerging drug or alternative reality culture that has its attraction and influence on you. In your personal life, you probably embrace the stress of this age of dramatically changed reality that no one wants to fully acknowledge. So, you probably always feel like you can't see things as they are.

North Node Square South Node Composite

The North Node square South Node aspect in the composite chart often results in idealism. Under the influence of South Node, there is a strong desire to create an ideal world, a utopia that is beyond the mundane realities of everyday life. This dreamy idealism can be a powerful source of inspiration, taking the partnership to new heights. However, it can also lead to disappointment when reality fails to live up to these lofty ideals.


The square between the South Node and the North Node also promotes a strong sense of individuality and the need for independence. North Node, being the planet of rebellion and innovation, awakens the desire to break free from societal norms and expectations. This can lead to a dynamic where partners are constantly pushing each other to be more independent and unique. You can learn more about the influence of the North Node in relationships in our article on the North Node opposite the Ascendant. If you want to know more about North Node Square South Node then talk to astrology.

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