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Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Due to Ketu being in the Shravan Nakshatra, even if the people have this foot ascendant, Jataka becomes wealthy and progeny. The native will be troubled and sad because of his daughters. Life will be sad because of children.

According to Vedic astrology, the people born in Shravana Nakshatra are knowledgeable and high-level scholars. Jatak moves towards knowledge do the work of writing, Vedic belief is that a good listener is a good speaker. The ruling planet of Shravan Nakshatra is the symbol of the attainment of knowledge. Where Lord Vishnu maintains the world. On the other hand, the lord of the zodiac Saturn is the symbol of walking. All these qualities are inside the person of Shravan Nakshatra.

A person born in Shravana Nakshatra is a message giver, a connoisseur of many languages, a student of the Hindu religion, shows people the right path, travels around to increase education and knowledge, does deep research about historical things, One who works according to tradition. The person has difficulty in walking, like walking with a limp or bending over.

The person is fond of singing, acquires knowledge of religious books, and respects saints associated with religion. Natives are most fond of good-smelling substances, perfumes, and flowers. The person is helpful to his friends and relatives, good and sweet speaking, with good qualities. There is a mark in the shape of a fish on the genitals of the native. There are those who move forward in life by working hard.

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person is full of wealth. The native gets the happiness of a child.

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person remains upset and unhappy because of more than one daughter and repents after having more children.

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the native's wife will be the cause of problems, due to which the native will be surrounded by troubles in his life and will face obstacles in progress.

Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person is suffering from diseases and is entangled with troubles in life. The person lives in danger from his children and wife.


If there is Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra, then the wife of the native will be problematic due to which there will be hindrances in progress. The native will suffer from asthma, tuberculosis, and lung diseases. There will be danger from their wife and children. To know about the changes due to the effect of Ketu in Shravana Nakshatra, take an Astrology phone consultation.

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