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Combust Planet in Astrology

Combust Planet in Astrology

In Vedic astrology, when a planet comes too close to the Sun, it is called Dahan. Since the Sun is the most powerful planet in the solar system, any planet moving closer to the Sun will lose its energy and influence. The Sun is very powerful and gives off so much energy that anything that comes close to the Sun is not visible. For example, the planet Venus symbolizes love and romance and if your Venus is strong, you will find your life partner very soon and get married. However, if Venus moves too close to the Sun, it will lose its power. This move will eventually affect your love life.

The sun is also a symbol of ego. Therefore, if ego increases, the person will start considering himself very good. They will start thinking that they are good at everything and that they are very intelligent and no one is their equal. This thinking will negatively affect their reputation in their workplace as well as in relationships.

Asta Graha in Astrology

In Indian Vedic astrology, setting planets refers to the condition when a planet is very close to the Sun in the same zodiac sign. This condition can affect the planet's influence and functioning. When a planet combusts, its energy is weakened or obscured by the Sun's intense heat and light.

The Sun is a powerful celestial body and represents the self, life force, and ego in astrology. When another planet comes too close to the Sun, its qualities and significance can be diminished or diminished. The specific effects of a setting planet can vary depending on the planet concerned and its overall strength in the birth chart.

Planets that lose some of their power due to being too close to the Sun are called setting planets in Vedic astrology or 'Ast Grahas' in Jyotish. Planets that do not set are called 'rising planets'. Surya or Sun can never set or 'set'. Rahu and Ketu are always considered combust, not because they are always close to the Sun, but because they have no physical existence.

Combust Planets in Vedic Astrology

If a planet is within 8 degrees of the Sun in the horoscope, it is said to be setting. The degree of setting for different planets is different and each planet has its effect. A brief description of the effects of combust planets in Vedic astrology is as follows:

Combust Moon

The moon combusts in at 12 degrees. When the Moon is combustible, it can affect emotional stability, mental clarity, and intuition. One may struggle to express their feelings effectively and feel overwhelmed by ego or willfulness.

Combust Mercury

Combust Mercury can affect communication, intellect, and decision-making abilities. This can result in challenges in expressing ideas clearly, making rational decisions, and facing difficulties in negotiations or business matters. Mercury combusts in at 12 degrees. It is a symbol of intelligence. Therefore, when Mercury combusts, a person's intelligence decreases and ego dominates his mind.

Combust Venus

Combust Venus can affect relationships, harmony, and artistic pursuits. This can cause challenges in love life, creativity, and aesthetic sense. One may struggle to find balance and harmony in partnerships. Venus combusts in at 8 degrees. The planet Venus is a symbol of love and romantic relationships. Therefore, when ego dominates the mind during this Asta, one starts unnecessarily spending a lot of money, energy, and effort in relationships and love affairs.

Combust Mars

Combust Mars can affect courage, energy, and assertiveness. This can result in a lack of motivation, weak physical strength, and difficulty in expressing oneself effectively. There can be challenges in taking decisive action. Mars is set at 17 degrees. During this time he feels very strong physically and mentally. Due to this, he starts living in a bubble where he can defeat anyone in this world.

Combust Jupiter

Combust Jupiter can affect intellect, wisdom, and spirituality. This can result in a temporary loss of confidence, difficulty in seeking guidance, or challenges in educational pursuits. However, Jupiter is considered strong and resilient, so its set position may have less severe effects than other planets. Jupiter combusts at 11 degrees. When Saturn combusts, their ego becomes so dominant over their rationality that they start feeling that they can conquer this world without anyone's help or guidance.

Combust Saturn

Combust Saturn can affect discipline, structure, and responsibility. This can result in delays, obstacles, or challenges in achieving long-term goals. The individual may temporarily experience a lack of focus or feel overwhelmed by duties and responsibilities. Saturn combusts in 15 degrees. When Saturn combusts, a person feels that he can achieve anything at any time. Due to this ego, he does not put much effort or time into his work.

Combust Rahu and Ketu

The shadow planets Rahu and Ketu can also be Combust. Their set position can amplify their disruptive and unpredictable nature, causing sudden changes, confusion, or unexpected events in the areas of life they influence.

Combust Planets Remedy

If a planet is sitting in your horoscope, then you can do remedies related to that planet:

Combust Moon Remedy

  • Donate milk to someone poor. Try to donate white clothes or rice to the underprivileged.

  • A person with a weak Moon should fast on Monday and take food once a day.

Combust Mars Remedy

  • A person suffering from Mars should recite Hanuman Chalisa on Tuesday.

  • Control your anger and do not get into disputes. Handling married life and family life patiently can yield positive results.

  • Donating red-colored clothes, gold, copper, and Batasha is considered one of the effective remedies for Mars.

Combust Mercury Remedy

  • When you purchase new clothes, make sure you wash them before wearing them for the first time.

  • Be respectful towards your sisters and aunts and be kind towards your daughter or other little girls.

Combust Venus Remedy

  • Feed sweets to little girls or widowed women. This is a powerful solution.

  • Maintain good character to get favorable results from Venus.

  • Get the blessings of Venus by worshiping Goddess Lakshmi. Recite Shri Suktam Stotra to remove obstacles and get blessings for progress in life.

Combust Saturn Remedy

  • Respect Lord Shiva and Shani. The main deity of Shani is Lord Shiva, and all the remedies for Shani are dedicated to Lord Shiva. Shani was a devotee of Lord Shiva and he knows how to control the effects of Shani.

  • Follow the eightfold path of yoga for mental, physical, and spiritual purification. Some of the most important aspects of this path are speaking the truth, doing the right thing, meditating, reciting mantras, following the discipline of yoga asanas (postures), eating a healthy diet, and living a quiet and peaceful life dedicated to higher knowledge.

Combust Jupiter Remedy

  • Wear yellow jewelry; Gold is the best option for you.

  • With the blessings of Jupiter, you will get knowledge and expansion, for donating sweets or jaggery to people in any religious place like a temple.

  • Perform selfless service towards the poor or do voluntary work in temples. You can also help a needy person or help the society at large.

Combust Rahu Remedy

  • Chant "Durgaye Namah" 108 times every Wednesday. This can give strength to a person to face the problems caused by Rahu.

  • Donate Rahu-related products like copper or black sesame seeds on Saturday, this will bring auspicious blessings of Rahu. This donation can be made to a temple or any deprived person. Donating Rahu-related foods like garlic, onion, and mustard oil can reduce the ill effects of Rahu and increase the energy of the planet.

Combust Ketu Remedy

  • Avoid wearing brown or gray colored clothes. Wear mostly white and yellow colored clothes.

  • One of the commonly suggested remedies for planet Ketu is to feed and shelter street dogs, as Ketu is believed to reside in dogs.

  • Maintain cordial relations with your sons, nephews, and other little boys in the neighborhood.


In astrology, a combust planet gets too close to the Sun in its orbit, causing the planet to lose some of its power and influence due to the Sun's energy. A planet may set in the birth chart and may also set along its regular ecliptic, the effects of weak planets ultimately affect us, depending on which house the planet is in, whether it is the ruling or dominant planet, and the position of the planet in your birth chart, among other things. Talk to astrologers to know more about the meaning of Combust Planet in Astrology.

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