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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Astrological Remedies To Get Rid Of Diseases

Astrological Remedies To Get Rid Of Diseases

A healthy body is the capital of every person. If the body is healthy, then a person is capable of doing any work, that is why it is also said in our scriptures that the first happiness is a healthy body. Due to diseases, a person's wealth gets wasted, and at the same time, the person gets disturbed both mentally and physically. To stay healthy, it is most important to pay attention to our diet and routine, but despite this, sometimes we start getting sick again and again. Because of this, we keep changing many doctors and medicines. The main reason for the illness is the decrease in the immunity of our body, but sometimes there are other reasons behind it, due to which we are not able to stay healthy even after taking medicines. There are some remedies mentioned in health astrology that you can try along with getting your treatment done and you can get rid of diseases. So let's know the solution.


Astrological Remedy For Disease


  • You are very sick or there is someone in your family who is not able to recover even after getting a lot of treatment. Medicines are not affecting him, so knead a little flour and make a Penda out of it. Fill water in a pot. Now take the dough ball and the pot filled with water and take it three times over the patient. Offer water to a tree-like peepal etc. and feed the flour tree to the cow. This remedy should be done for three days. It is believed that by this the patient starts getting health benefits soon.

  • If someone in your home is sick for a long time and is unable to recover, then he should be put to sleep with his head towards the south. Along with this, keep the patient's medicines and water, etc. in the same direction. Whenever you feed medicine to the disease, keep in mind that its face should be towards the east. Due to this, the patient starts recovering slowly after some time.

  • If someone in your house is very ill, then you should donate fruits and medicines to the needy at regular intervals by going to a hospital, etc. Not only do you experience mental peace by this, but it is also believed that diseases of a person get cured by this and he gets well soon.

  • If there is a pit in front of the main door of your house. So get it filled immediately. Because of this one by one disease starts coming home.

  • According to astrology, if a person's health is bad for a long time, then keep a candle burning in his room for a few weeks. By doing this, positive energy will circulate in the person's room. Which will have a profound effect on the health of the patient. Also, never completely close the room in which the patient is sleeping. Apart from this, do not keep false utensils in the patient's room.

  • On the other hand, if any member of your family is not getting well after a lot of treatment, then on any Tuesday and Saturday, observe Hanuman ji's fast and go to Hanuman temple and worship him methodically. And offer red Chola to Hanuman ji and hide the Chola around the idol of Hanuman ji. After this, come out of the temple and distribute the prasad. After this, the next day, go to the Hanuman temple, take out that Chola and bring it to your home if the patient is a male, then give it to him to wear. By doing this, that patient will be cured in a few days and Hanuman ji's blessings will be on him.


Every person wants that his life should be full of happiness, prosperity, and good health. There should be no problem of any kind in his life. For this man works hard from morning till night to nurture himself and his family. Minor ailments do not matter much in a run-of-the-mill life. The problem increases when the disease is not cured even after continuous treatment by the doctor. In such a situation, some planets are also responsible due to which the disease of the person does not get cured easily. If you want to know more about the way to get rid of the disease, then talk to astrology and know the solution.

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